EHECADI: European Healthcare dissertation

Through the development of an International Final Graduate Dissertation the project will equip students with the skills to work in an interdisciplinary and evidence-based way to take up challenges of their future practice. Healthcare, and more specifically in Odisee, bachelor degree students in Occupational Therapy, Nursing, and Nutrition and Dietetics are participating in this project.


Our partners

Fundacio Universitaria Balmes (Spain), European Association of Service providers for Persons with disabilities (Belgium), European University Cyprus (Cyprus), Turun Ammattikorkeakoulu Oy (Finland), Waterford Institute of Technology (Ireland), Cruz Vermelha Portuguesa (Portugal), Fundacio TIC Salut Social Foundation (Spain)

With the financial support of Erasmus+ Grant Agreement 2021-1-ES01-KA220-HED-000032088.


EHECADI project-creates European Health final dissertation with interdisciplinar and international focus

A key challenge higher education institutions (HEIs) face today is the promotion of equal opportunities among graduates, to enhance their employability. HEIs must provide core educational elements which allow all students to tackle our globalized and constantly changing 21st-century societies.

Funded by Erasmus+, the project brings together 8 partners to support healthcare students from different disciplines (nursing, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, and nutrition and dietetics) to address broad societal health issues such as healthcare equity, epidemic preparedness, underinvestment in healthcare workers, health needs of migrant populations.

EHECADI project group in Oliveira de Azemeis


The EHECADI Project was presented in Oviedo, Spain for the 27th ENOTHE Annual Meeting 26-28 October 2023. Odisee University of Applied Sciences and European University Cyprus shared information on the deliverables of the project that will equip healthcare students with the skills and knowledge to address current societal challenges through their studies.

Image of two women are smiling for the camera, standing on either side of an EHECADI poster

Progress update from the EHECADI project meeting in Cyprus, May 23-24, 2024

Hosted by the European University of Cyprus, the meeting marks a significant step towards launching the EHECADI Knowledge Hub, designed to foster international collaboration among healthcare students and professionals. The Hub aims to support healthcare students in their studies and revolutionise how they engage with global health challenges.

EHECADI advances towards Knowledge Hub Launch. Image of 11 project partners stood in a line by a table smiling at the camera.

Odisee research by

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