Wie is wie
Annelies Costers
Campus Brussel
Warmoesberg 26
1000 Brussel
1000 Brussel
- annelies.costers@odisee.be
Rollen & functies
- Lid Onderwijsteam Opleiding Bachelor of Business Management - Campus Brussel
Publications - results
Deze informatie is gebaseerd op de Lirias data. Voor meer informatie ga naar lirias (opens in a new window)
There is no such thing as a free lunch: A service perspective on Pay What You Want pricing. (opens in a new window)Van Vaerenbergh, Yves; Van den Broeck, Anja
Customer coping with service failures across cultures: A multilevel investigation (opens in a new window)Frontiers in Service, Date: 2016/06/23 - 2016/06/26, Location: Bergen, Norway
What if customers could pay what they want? Employee reactions to pay what you want pricing systems (opens in a new window)Frontiers in Service conference, Location: San JosƩ
Basic need satisfaction at work and during leisure: A case of workaholics and burned-out employees (opens in a new window)Academy of Management, Date: 2015/08/07 - 2015/08/11, Location: Vancouver, Canada
Fad or Fab? A Multilevel Meta-Analysis on the Effectiveness of Pay-What-You-Want Pricing Systems (opens in a new window)Frontiers in Service, Date: 2017/06/22 - 2017/06/25, Location: New York, U.S.
What if customers could pay what they want? Employee reactions to pay what you want pricing systems (opens in a new window)La Londe International Conference in services, Location: France
Fab? A Multilevel Meta-Analysis on the Effectiveness of Pay-What-You-Want Pricing Systems (opens in a new window)ANZMAC, Location: Melbourne, Australia
Mr. Nice Guy or Politician? Examining the Effects of Customer Stewardship and Political Skill on Employeesā Service Recovery Performance (opens in a new window)Frontiers in Service Conference, Date: 2015/07/09 - 2015/07/12, Location: San JosĆ©, California
What if customers could pay what they want? Employee reactions to pay what you want pricing systems (opens in a new window)Belgian Service Research Day, Date: 2016/03/18 - 2016/03/18, Location: LiĆØge
Customer Participation in Service Recovery: A Meta-Analysis (opens in a new window)Marketing Letters; 2018; Vol. 29; iss. 4; pp. 465 - 483
From third party to significant other for service encounters: a systematic review on third-party roles and their implications (opens in a new window)Journal Of Service Management; 2020; Vol. 32; iss. 4; pp. 533 - 559
How to boost frontline employee service recovery performance: the role of cultural intelligence (opens in a new window)Service Business; 2019; Vol. 13; iss. 3; pp. 581 - 602
What if customers could pay what they want? Employees' reactions to pay what you want pricing systems (opens in a new window)14th International Research Conference in Service Management; 2017International Research Conference in Service Management, Date: 2016/05/31 - 2016/06/03, Location: La Londe les Maures, France
Mr. Nice Guy or Politician? Examining the Effects of Customer Stewardship and Political Skill on Employeesā Service Recovery Performance (opens in a new window)Emac 2015. Collaboration in research ; 2015; pp. 1 - 7European Marketing Academy Conference, Date: 2015/05/26 - 2015/05/29, Location: Leuven