Wie is wie
Iris Van Steenwinkel
Campus Brussel
Warmoesberg 26
1000 Brussel
1000 Brussel
Rollen & functies
- Lid Onderzoeksgroep Gezondheidszorg
Publications - results
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Woonomgevingen voor mensen met dementie: Ontwerpen voor geborgenheid en participatie (opens in a new window)Actueel: Informatieblad van de Vlaamse Ouderenraad ; 2016; Vol. 17; iss. 2; pp. 18 - 20Heylighen, Ann; Van Audenhove, Chantal
Ziekenhuisarchitectuur op kindermaat (opens in a new window)HealthCare magazine ; 2016; Vol. 2; iss. 11; pp. 13 - 13Vershoren, Laure; Annemans, Margo; Van Steenwinkel, Iris; Heylighen, Ann
Personen met dementie vragen aangepast ontwerp (opens in a new window)Projecto ; 2016; iss. 3; pp. 15 - 19Van Steenwinkel, Iris; Heylighen, Ann; Van Audenhove, Chantal; Thys, Tom; Vermeulen, Jan
Kleine werelden voor mensen met dementie. Ontwerpen tegen de bevreemding (opens in a new window)Campuskrant ; 2015; Vol. 26; iss. 10; pp. 2 - 3Van Steenwinkel, Iris; Heylighen, Ann; Van Audenhove, Chantal
āDe kunst is om geborgen werelden te scheppen die toch niet geĆÆsoleerd zijnā. Onderzoek naar hoe architectuur ondersteunend kan zijn voor mensen met dementie (opens in a new window)Zorgwijzer ; 2015; Vol. 53; pp. 28 - 29Van Steenwinkel, Iris; Heylighen, Ann; Van Audenhove, Chantal
Thuis in eigen wereld (opens in a new window)Nursing ; 2015; Vol. 21; iss. 9; pp. 50 - 53Van Steenwinkel, Iris; Heylighen, Ann; Van Audenhove, Chantal
Offering Architects Insights into Living with Dementia: Three Case Studies on Orientation in Space-time-identity (opens in a new window)Heylighen, Ann; Van Audenhove, Chantal
Cultural competence can be taught with effective methods in nursing education (opens in a new window)Talk Journal; 2025; Vol. 2025
How enclosure and spatial organization affect residentsā use and experience of a dementia special care unit: A case study (opens in a new window)HERD-Health Environments Research & Design Journal; 2019; Vol. 12; iss. 1; pp. 145 - 159
Home in later life: A framework for the architecture of home environments (opens in a new window)Home Cultures ; 2012; Vol. 9; iss. 2; pp. 195 - 217
Ten questions concerning inclusive design of the built environment (opens in a new window)Building and Environment ; 2017; Vol. 114; pp. 507 - 517
Maryās Little Worlds. Changing Person-Space Relationships when Living with Dementia (opens in a new window)Qualitative Health Research ; 2014; Vol. 24; iss. 8; pp. 1023 - 1032
Offering architects insights into experiences of living with dementia: A case study on orientation in space, time and identity (opens in a new window)Dementia: the International Journal of Social Research and Practice; 2019; Vol. 18; iss. 2; pp. 742 - 756
How architectural design affords experiences of freedom in residential care for older people (opens in a new window)Journal of Aging Studies ; 2017; Vol. 41; iss. 41; pp. 84 - 92
Adjusting an older residential care facility to contemporary dementia care visions (opens in a new window)Designing around people ; 2016; pp. 219 - 228Langdon, Patrick; Lazar, Jonathan; Heylighen, Ann; Dong, HuaSpringer-Verlag; LondonISBN: 978-3-319-29496-4
Midmost ā Living with dementia (opens in a new window)Lost in Space ā Architecture and Dementia ; 2014; pp. 86 - 101Feddersen, Eckhard; LĆ¼dtke, InsaBirkhƤuser; BerlinISBN: 978-3038215004
Spatial Clues for Orientation: Architectural Design Meets People with Dementia (opens in a new window)Designing Inclusive Systems Designing Inclusion for Real-world Applications; 2012; pp. 227 - 236Langdon, Pat; Clarkson, P John; Robinson, Peter; Lazar, Jonathan; Heylighen, AnnSpringer-Verlag; LondonISBN: 978-1-4471-2866-3DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4471-2867-0-23SCOPUSID: 2-s2.0-84900537815
An Empowering Dementia Environment (opens in a new window)Dementia and Society; 2022; pp. 167 - 192Vandenbulcke, Mathieu; Drƶes, Rose-Marie; Schokkaert, ErikCambridge University PressISBN: 9781108843508DOI: 10.1017/9781108918954.010
Challenging prevailing ways of understanding space (opens in a new window)ASRO seminar, Date: 2011/12/14 - 2011/12/14, Location: Leuven
Architektur im Dialog mit dem Nutzer (opens in a new window)Architektur fĆ¼r Menschen mit Demenz, Date: 2014/05/22 - 2014/05/22, Location: Dresden
Duurzame zorginfrastructuur: omarmd door gebruikers (opens in a new window)Duurzame zorginfrastructuur in de Lage Landen, Date: 2015/09/17 - 2015/09/17, Location: Antwerp
Innovating architecture for people with dementia: Application of research outcomes in architectural design (opens in a new window)Studying architectural design in dialogue with dementia, Date: 2014/04/07 - 2014/04/07, Location: Leuven
Wonen van ouderen (opens in a new window)ie-prijzen, Date: 2010/11/25 - 2010/11/25, Location: Brussels
In case of dementia: orientating in an (e)motional way (opens in a new window)International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Emotional Geographies, Date: 2013/07/01 - 2013/07/03, Location: Groningen
Frameworks of care for persons with dementia and their relationship with the material environment of nursing homes (opens in a new window)Studying architectural design in dialogue with dementia, Date: 2014/04/07 - 2014/04/07, Location: Leuven
Frameworks of care for persons with dementia and their relationship with the material environment of nursing homes (opens in a new window)Annual Conference of Alzheimer Europe, Date: 2014/10/20 - 2014/10/22, Location: Glasgow, Scotland
How to design child-friendly hospital architecture? Young patients speaking (opens in a new window)Design4Health 2015 ; 2015; pp. 1 - 9Design4Health, Date: 2015/07/13 - 2015/07/16, Location: Sheffield
Designing ālittle worldsā in Walnut Park: How architects adopted an ethnographic case study on living with dementia (opens in a new window)Proceedings of DRS2016: Design + Research + Society - Future-Focused Thinking ; 2016; Vol. 8; pp. 3199 - 3212DRS2016 - 2016 Design Research Society 50th Anniversary Conference, Date: 2016/06/27 - 2016/06/30, Location: Brighton
Designing child-sized hospital architecture: Beyond preferences for colours and themes (opens in a new window)DS 80-1 PROCEEDINGS OF THE 20TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ENGINEERING DESIGN (ICED 15) ; 2015; Vol. 1; pp. 505 - 514International Conference on Engineering Design 2015 (ICED 2015), Date: 2015/07/27 - 2015/07/30, Location: Milan
Insights into living with dementia: Five implications for architectural design (opens in a new window)ARCH17 - 3RD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ARCHITECTURE, RESEARCH, CARE AND HEALTH; 2017; pp. 55 - 70International Conference on Architecture, Research, Care, Health (ARCH17), Date: 2017/04/26 - 2017/04/27, Location: Copenhagen