Wie is wie
Jolien Galle
Gastdocent Verkorte educatieve bachelor en Educatief graduaat
Campus Brussel
Warmoesberg 26
1000 Brussel
1000 Brussel
- jolien.galle@odisee.be
Rollen & functies
- Lid Onderwijsteam Opleiding Educatieve Graduaat voor Secundair Onderwijs - Campus Brussel
Publications - results
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Welfare state access for newcomers? Comparing the opinions of native citizens and established migrants (opens in a new window)International Migration, Integration, and Social Cohesion Spring Conference, Date: 2019/02/27 - 2019/03/01, Location: LiĆØge
Ethnic minoritiesā redistributive attitudes: the role of multiple social identities (opens in a new window)Belgian-Dutch Political Science Conference, Date: 2017/06/01 - 2017/06/02, Location: Leiden
Ethnic minorities and redistribution. The role of national and ethnic identity (opens in a new window)Annual meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology, Date: 2017/07/29 - 2017/07/02, Location: Edinburgh
Turkish and Moroccan Belgiansā solidarity toward new migrants (opens in a new window)Belgian-Dutch Political Science Conference, Date: 2018/06/07 - 2018/06/08, Location: Leiden
Solidarity of settled migrants toward newcomers: a matter of individual position, ideology, group position or incorporation? (opens in a new window)15th International Migration, Integration, and Social Cohesion Annual Conference, Date: 2018/07/02 - 2018/07/04, Location: Barcelona
Solidarity of settled migrants toward newcomers: a matter of individual position, ideology, group position or incorporation? (opens in a new window)European Social Policy Analysis Network Conference, Date: 2018/08/29 - 2018/09/01, Location: Vilnius
The attitudes of Turkish and Moroccan minorities toward redistribution and government responsibility (opens in a new window)Belgian-Dutch Political Science Conference, Date: 2016/06/02 - 2016/06/03, Location: Brussels
Socio-watte?! De Grote Prijs voor Sociologie (opens in a new window)Studiedag - Bruggen bouwen tussen secundair en hoger onderwijs: de onderwijsloopbaan van jongerenā, Date: 2018/10/24 - 2018/10/24, Location: Brussels
The attitudes of Turkish and Moroccan minorities toward redistribution and government responsibility (opens in a new window)European Social Policy Analysis Network Conference, Date: 2016/09/01 - 2016/09/03, Location: Rotterdam
Studies on the transformation of the left ā right divide (opens in a new window)CMIS University of Manchester, Date: 2017/02/14 - 2017/02/14, Location: Manchester
The established outsider and the welfare state. Explaining welfare state attitudes from the dual perspective of Turkish and Moroccan Belgians. (opens in a new window)Swyngedouw, Marc; Abts, Koenraad; Meuleman, Bart
Ethnic minoritiesā support for redistribution: The role of national and ethnic identity (opens in a new window)Journal Of European Social Policy; 2020; Vol. 30; iss. 1
Welcome to the club? Een comparatieve studie naar het verband tussen integratiebeleid en welvaartschauvinisme (opens in a new window)Mens en Maatschappij ; 2015; Vol. 90; iss. 2; pp. 117 - 142
Attitudes of Turkish and Moroccan Belgians toward Redistribution and Government Responsibility: The Role of Perceived Discrimination, Generation, and Religious Involvement. (opens in a new window)International Migration Review; 2020; Vol. 54; iss. 2; pp. 1 - 24
Vijfentwintig jaar onderzoek naar de houding tegenover migranten in Belgiƫ. Verandering en stabiliteit in de periode 1991-2014 (opens in a new window)Sociologos ; 2017; Vol. 38; iss. 1; pp. 3 - 19
De wenselijkheid van een federale kieskring in Vlaanderen : een werknota (opens in a new window)Onderzoeksverslag Centrum voor sociologisch onderzoek ; 2014
Het communautaire in de verkiezingen van 25 mei 2014: analyse op basis van de postelectorale verkiezingsonderzoeken 1991-2014 (opens in a new window)Onderzoeksverslag Centrum voor Sociologisch Onderzoek. Instituut voor Sociaal en Politiek Opinieonderzoek ; 2015; Vol. 2015; iss. 1
Vlamingen en de communautaire kwestie (opens in a new window)Vlaanderen kiest. Trends in stemgedrag en opvattingen over politiek, staatshervorming en Kerk ; 2014; pp. 219 - 245Abts, Koen; Swyngedouw, Marc; Billiet, Jaak; Meuleman, BartLannooCampus; TieltISBN: 978-94014-1891-1
Evolution des attitudes anti-immigrĆ©s et devenir des partis populistes et d'extrĆŖme droite en Belgique (opens in a new window)La vie politique : pour Pascal Perrineau; 2021; pp. 251 - 265Ignazi, Piero; ReyniĆ©, DominiquePreses des Sciences Po; ParisISBN: 978-2-7246-2720-6
Stemgedrag Antwerpenaren van Turkse en Marokkaanse afkomst. Analyse op basis van het postelectorale Belgisch etnische minderheden verkiezingsonderzoek 2014 (BEMES 2014) (opens in a new window)Centrum voor Sociologisch Onderzoek; LeuvenISBN: 9789067842105