Wie is wie
Kaat Van Acker
Docente, onderzoekster en coördinator onderzoekscentrum
Campus Brussel
Warmoesberg 26
1000 Brussel
1000 Brussel
- kaat.vanacker@odisee.be
Rollen & functies
- Lid Onderwijsteam Sociaal Werk - Campus Brussel
- Lid Onderwijsteam Gezinswetenschappen - Campus Schaarbeek
- Lid Onderzoeksgroep Onderzoeksgroep Sociaal-Agogisch Werk
Publications - results
Deze informatie is gebaseerd op de Lirias data. Voor meer informatie ga naar lirias (opens in a new window)
Twee jaar onderzoek: We wilden vluchtelingenkinderen een stem geven (opens in a new window)Welwijs: Wisselwerking Onderwijs en Welzijnswerk; 2019; Vol. 30; iss. 4; pp. 3 - 4
What I infer depends on who you are: The influence of stereotypes on trait and situational spontaneous inferences (opens in a new window)Journal of Experimental Social Psychology ; 2012; Vol. 48; iss. 6; pp. 1247 - 1256
The legacy of Nazism: Historical analogies and support for the far right (opens in a new window)Social Influence; 2014; Vol. 9; iss. 4; pp. 300 - 317
Heritage culture maintenance precludes host culture adoption and vice versa: Flemings’ perceptions of Turks’ acculturation behavior (opens in a new window)Group Processes & Intergroup Relations ; 2012; Vol. 15; iss. 1; pp. 133 - 145
Bringing together acculturation theory and intergroup contact theory: Predictors of Flemings' expectations of Turks' acculturation behavior (opens in a new window)International Journal of Intercultural Relations ; 2011; Vol. 35; iss. 3; pp. 334 - 335
Recht en veerkracht na de vlucht: een welzijnsperspectief op vluchtelingengezinnen met kinderen (opens in a new window)Tijdschrift voor Jeugd en Kinderrechten; 2018; iss. 3; pp. 260 - 273
Het vertelspel 'Wortelen in nieuwe aarde:' een methodiek die veerkracht bevorder bij vluchtelingenkinderen in de klas. (opens in a new window)Caleidoscoop; 2020; Vol. 32; iss. 3; pp. 37 - 46
(H)erkennen en bevorderen van veerkracht bij vluchtelingengezinnen: Handvatten voor de praktijk van onderwijs en welzijnswerk (opens in a new window)Welwijs: Wisselwerking Onderwijs en Welzijnswerk; 2020; Vol. 31; iss. 2; pp. 18 - 22
On declining parental agency and institutionalized forms of parentification: narratives of changing parenthood among refugee families and social workers in collective reception centres (opens in a new window)European Social Work Research; 2024; Vol. 2; iss. 2; pp. 150 - 167
Beyond the ethnic-civic dichotomy: Cultural citizenship as a new way of excluding immigrants (opens in a new window)Political Psychology; 2013; Vol. 34; iss. 4; pp. 611 - 630
Participatory action research and urban social work: Strategies for navigating the challenges of participation and reciprocation (opens in a new window)Journal of Social Intervention : Theory and Practice; 2021; Vol. 30; iss. 1; pp. 3 - 21
"They are all the same": Low perceived typicality and outgroup disapproval as buffers of intergroup threat in mass media (opens in a new window)International Journal of Intercultural Relations; 2013; Vol. 37; iss. 2; pp. 146 - 158
Holding hope and mastering the possible: mapping resilient moves of asylum-seeking and refugee families post arrival (opens in a new window)European Journal Of Social Work; 2022; Vol. 26; iss. 3
Resilience in Liminality: How Resilient Moves Are Being Negotiated by Asylum Seeking Families in the Liminal Context of Asylum Procedures (opens in a new window)Journal Of Refugee Studies; 2020; Vol. 33; iss. 2; pp. 358 - 370
Do “they” threaten “us” or do “we” disrespect “them”: Majority perceptions of intergroup relations and everyday contacts with immigrant minorities (opens in a new window)Group Processes & Intergroup Relations ; 2014; Vol. 17; iss. 5; pp. 617 - 628
Het nieuwe terugkeerbeleid: Kafka zonder papieren (opens in a new window)De Standaard; 2024
Deze opvangcrisis is niet opgelost als er geen kinderen meer op straat slapen (opens in a new window)Van Dam, Sylvie; Groeninck, Mieke; Van Acker, Kaat; Schrooten, Mieke
Emoties (opens in a new window)Crossculturele psychologie; 2023; pp. 128 - 139AccoISBN: 9789464149999
Entitativity (opens in a new window)Encyclopedia of group processes and intergroup relations ; 2010; pp. 238 - 241Levine, John M; Hogg, Michael ASage; Thousand Oaks, CAISBN: 9781412942089
Een levensloopbenadering van gezinnen zonder wettig verblijf: andere toekomsten mogelijk maken (opens in a new window)Armoede & Ongelijkheid. Jaarboek 2024; 2024; pp. 287 - 305Coene, Jill; Degerickx, Heidi; Dewilde, Caroline; Ghys, Tuur; Hubeau, Bernard; Marchal, Sarah; Remmen, Roy; Vanhole, WouterAccoISBN: 9789464676266
Ethnicity and migration in Europe (opens in a new window)International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences (Second Edition); 2015; pp. 142 - 147Chryssochoou, Xenia; Berry, JohnElsevierISBN: 9780080970868DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-08-097086-8.24040-3SCOPUSID: 2-s2.0-84991013496
The impact of intergroup comparisons on ingroup and outgroup perceptions of entitativity and homogeneity (opens in a new window)Percursos da investigação em psicologia social e organizacional [Research directions in social and organizational psychology] ; 2011; pp. 75 - 87Roberto, MS; Batista, MT; Santos, MH; Morais, R; Costa, RS; Lima, MLEdições Colibri; Lisbon
Parentificatie na migratie: Veerkracht en kwetsbaarheid wanneer vluchtelingenkinderen zorgen voor hun gezin (opens in a new window)Gezinnen na migratie: Hulpverlening en gezinsbeleid in een superdiverse samenleving; 2022; Vol. 8; pp. 155 - 170Geldof, Dirk; Van Acker, Kaat; Loosveldt, Gianni; Emmery, KathleenGarantISBN: 9789044138801
Vluchtelingen: veelbesproken maar weinig gekend? (opens in a new window)Gezinnen na migratie: Hulpverlening en gezinsbeleid in een superdiverse samenleving; 2022; pp. 89 - 101Geldof, Dirk; Van Acker, Kaat; Loosveldt, Gianni; Emmery, KathleenGarantISBN: 978-90-441-3880-1
Acculturatie (opens in a new window)Crossculturele psychologie; 2023; pp. 156 - 167AccoISBN: 9789464149999
Hoe leven kinderen en gezinnen in de asielopvang? (opens in a new window)Gezinnen na migratie: Hulpverlening en gezinsbeleid in een superdiverse samenleving; 2022; pp. 103 - 118Geldof, Dirk; Van Acker, Kaat; Loosveldt, Gianni; Emmery, KathleenGarantISBN: 978-90-441-3880-1
Transnational dynamics of family reunification: reassembling social work with refugees in Belgium (opens in a new window)Migration and social work: Approaches, visions and challenges; 2023; pp. 95 - 111Gómez-Ciriano, Emilio José; Cabiati, Elena; Dedotsi, SofiaPolicy Press; BristolISBN: 978-1-4473-6180-0DOI: 10.46692/9781447361831.007
De dringende nood aan een ont-witting van het gezinsbeleid (opens in a new window)Gezinnen na mgiratie. Hulpverlening en gezinsbeleid in een superdiverse samenleving; 2022; Vol. 8; pp. 273 - 290Geldof, Dirk; Van Acker, Kaat; Loosveldt, Gianni; Emmery, KathleenGarant; Antwerpen-ApeldoornISBN: 978-90-441-3880-1
De complexe connecties tussen formele welzijnsorganisaties en informele zorgnetwerking: Somalische zelforganisaties en een Vlaams Wijkgezondheidscentrum (opens in a new window)Sociaal schaduwwerk; 2019; pp. 175 - 187Schrooten, Mieke; Debruyne, Pascal; Thys, RebeccaPoliteiaISBN: 978-2-509-03386-4
Hoe emoties verschillen tussen culturen (opens in a new window)Handboek Culturele Psychiatrie en Psychotherapie; 2020; pp. 163 - 178Van Dijk, Rob; De Jong, JoopBoom; Utrecht, NLISBN: 9789024431984
Ouderschap na de vlucht. Gezinsondersteuning in collectieve asielopvang (opens in a new window)Gezinnen na migratie. Hulpverlening en gezinsbeleid in een superdiverse samenleving; 2022; Vol. 8; pp. 113 - 131Geldof, Dirk; Van Acker, Kaat; Loosveldt, Gianni; Emmery, KathleenGarant; AntwerpenISBN: 9789044138801
Siblingrelaties bij migratie en vlucht (opens in a new window)Broer of zus, de match van je leven. Fairness in siblingrelaties.; 2021; Vol. 7; pp. 186 - 198Schepers, Sanne; Emmery, Kathleen; Loosveldt, GianniGarant; BrusselISBN: 9789044138146
De gezinsreflex als leidraad voor beleid en praktijk (opens in a new window)In verband met gezinnen. Het gezinsperspectief in beleid en praktijk; 2020; Vol. 6; pp. 269 - 292Garant; Antwerpen - ApeldoornISBN: 978-90-441-3757-6
Flanders' real and present threat: How representations of intergroup relations shape attitudes towards Muslim minorities (opens in a new window)Vanbeselaere, Norbert; Phalet, Karen; Mesquita, Batja
Cultuur en emoties: Omgaan met gevoelens in hulpverlening (opens in a new window)Internationale Dag Thomas More Hogeschool, Location: Online
Migratie, (identiteits)ontwikkeling, ouderschap en de betekenis van emoties (opens in a new window)Najaars symposium transculturele psychiatrie NVvP, Location: Webinar
Wortelen in nieuwe aarde (opens in a new window)EXPOO congres 't zal welzijn', Date: 2019/12/06 - 2019/12/06, Location: België
Cultuur en emoties: omgaan met gevoelens in interculturele therapie (opens in a new window)Actuele thema’s uit de praktijk van de culturele psychiatrie en psychotherapie, Location: Online symposium
Veerkracht ondersteunen bij ouders en kinderen van vluchtelingengezinnen. Ontwikkeling van een methodiek. Inspirede by the Tree of life (opens in a new window)denkdag PWO onderzoek : veerkracht ondersteunen bij gezinnen op de vlucht, Date: 2018/12/07, Location: Huart Hamoirlaan 136 Schaarbeek
Transfer effects of group-based guilt: Historical analogy WWII and attitudes towards Muslims (opens in a new window)Joint BAPS-SEPEX Meeting, Date: 2012/05/10 - 2012/05/11, Location: Liege, Belgium
Crossing Borders (opens in a new window)Studievoormiddag Virtual Mobility, Location: Online
Pathways on hold? Asylum centres in Belgium as liminal spaces. Paper presented at ‘Bordering Society. Understanding and reimagining migration, displacement and diversity in an age of rapid transformations.’ (opens in a new window)IRiS Conference 2024: Bordering Society. Understanding and reimagining migration, displacement and diversity in an age of rapid transformations, Date: 2024/09/05 - 2024/09/06, Location: Birmingham, UK
Institutionele parentificatie: Ongelijke kansen voor ouders en kinderen in opvangcentra voor asielzoekers (opens in a new window)Vlaams-Nederlandse conferentie sociaal en pedagogisch werken, Date: 2024/09/19 - 2024/09/20, Location: Rotterdam, The Netherlands
The impact of social comparison on perceived entitativity and homogeneity (opens in a new window)Phd meeting in Social and Organizational Psychology, Date: 2009/05/28 - 2009/05/29, Location: Lisbon, Portugal
How collective emotions about one’s ingroup’s history affect present tolerance of ethno-cultural diversity (opens in a new window)Annual scientific meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology, Date: 2011/07/01 - 2011/07/01, Location: Istanbul, Turkey
Samen opvangcentra veiliger maken: Welke plaats voor de beleving en het perspectief van kinderen in sociaal werk? (opens in a new window)Vlaams-Nederlandse Conferentie Onderzoek Sociaal Werk en Pedagogiek, Location: Brussel
Keynote: Etre un enfant (et une famille) en centre d’accueil (opens in a new window)Quel Accueil?, Location: Brussels
Wat asielzoekers en opvangmedewerkers delen: Parallelle overlevingsstrategieën bij ouders en opvangmedewerkers in tijden van opvangcrisis (opens in a new window)Associatiedag Sociaalwerkonderzoek, Location: Leuven
Leven als gezin in een collectief opvangcentrum: Uitdagingen voor ouderschap en kind-zijn. (opens in a new window)Vlaams-Nederlands sociaal werk congres, Location: Antwerpen
Narratives of parenthood and childhood among refugee families residing in collective reception centers: On declining parental agency and institutionalized forms of parentification. (opens in a new window)ECSWR conference “Social work research through and towards human relationships”., Date: 2023/04/12 - 2023/04/14, Location: Milaan
Resilience in refugee families: the peculiar position of accompanied minors (opens in a new window)VII International Congress on Migration and Mental Health, Location: Brussel
Veerkracht ondersteunen bij ouders en kinderen van vluchtelingengezinnen 0ntwikkeling methodiek : Inspired by the tree of life (opens in a new window)Symposium Trauma en cultuursensitief werken in de klas, departement Onderwijs en vorming, Date: 2018/11/30 - 2018/11/30, Location: Brussel
Resilience in liminality: How resilient moves are being negotiated by asylum seeking families (opens in a new window)resilience seminar, Date: 2019/11/26 - 2019/11/26, Location: Alkmaar
Growing up in an asylum centre. The multidimensional challenges from a safety-perspective (opens in a new window)Summerschool Transnational Family Dynamics, Date: 2024/06/24 - 2024/07/03, Location: Brussels, Belgium
Children “in-between”. The challenges, opportunities and ambiguities of asylum-seeking children and their (transnational) families in reception centres in Belgium (opens in a new window)18th IMISCOE Annual Conference, Date: 2021/07/07 - 2021/07/09, Location: Luxembourg
Emotions as mediators of prejudice-reduction after intergroup contact (opens in a new window)Bi-annual meeting of the International Society for Research on Emotion, Date: 2009/08/01 - 2009/08/01, Location: Leuven, Belgium
The use of distinct symbolic, welfare, demographic, and safety threat frames as arguments for restrictive integration policies in Flemish politics and media (opens in a new window)Conference on discrimination and tolerance, Date: 2010/07/01 - 2010/07/03, Location: Jena, Germany
Do "they" threaten "us" or do "we" disrespect "them"? How shared understandings of intergroup relations shape majority members' interactions with minorities.interactions (opens in a new window)Joint BAPS-SEPEX Meeting, Date: 2012/05/10 - 2012/05/11, Location: Liege, Belgium
The use of freedom, equality and tolerance as arguments to defend and oppose Islamic veiling (opens in a new window)The Group Processes and Intergroup Relations (GPIR) preconference of the annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Date: 2010/01/28 - 2010/01/28, Location: Las Vegas, United States
Anxiety during interethnic interactions: behavioral implications and the role of participants’ (opens in a new window)Annual meeting of the Belgian Association for Psychological Science, Date: 2011/05/27 - 2011/05/27, Location: Gent, Belgium
Europe’s real and present threat: An analysis of models of diversity in Flemish-Belgium (opens in a new window)Annual scientific meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology, Date: 2011/07/01 - 2011/07/01, Location: Istanbul, Turkey
Welfare Bricolage beyond Boundaries. Reassembling social work within transnational dynamics of family reunification of refugees in Belgium (opens in a new window)IMISCOE-conference, Date: 2020/07/01 - 2020/07/02, Location: Luxemburg
Acculturation orientations, intergroup contact and outgroup affect among Flemish adolescents (opens in a new window)Jena workshop on intergroup processes: Positive behavior between social groups: Processes, problems and promises, Date: 2008/06/19 - 2008/06/23, Location: Jena, Germany
We are all multicultural in our own way: Cultural models of diversity in Flanders (opens in a new window)Annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Date: 2010/01/28 - 2010/01/30, Location: Las Vegas, United States
The irony of empathy: Emotional consequences of perspective taking in interethnic interactions (opens in a new window)Bi-annual meeting of the International Society for Research on Emotion, Date: 2011/08/01 - 2011/08/01, Location: Kyoto, Japan
Anxiety and respect during interethnic interactions: behavioral implications and their effect on the interaction partners’ experience (opens in a new window)General meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology, Date: 2011/07/12 - 2011/07/16, Location: Stockholm, Sweden
Europe's real and present threat: An analysis of models of diversity in Flemish-Belgium (opens in a new window)Annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Date: 2012/01/26 - 2012/01/28, Location: San Diego, United States
Framing cultural diversity: The role of media messages of intergroup threat in changing intergroup attitudes and challenging integration policies. (opens in a new window)12th Jena Workshop on Intergroup Processes: “Threat and intergroup relations”, Date: 2009/06/30 - 2009/07/04, Location: Jena, Germany
Moralising refugees’ family-life: Contrasting conceptualizations of parenting and childhood from the perspectives of social professionals and families (opens in a new window)20th IMISCOE Annual Conference, Date: 2023/07/03 - 2023/07/06, Location: Warsaw, Poland
Families hosting Ukrainian refugees in Belgium. Challenges for social work and policy (opens in a new window)12th European Conference for Social Work Research (ECSWR), Date: 2023/04/12 - 2023/04/14, Location: Milan, Italy
#PlekVrij: Een onderzoek naar de ervaringen van gastgezinnen van Oekraïense vluchtelingen in België (opens in a new window)1ste Onderzoeksdag Sociaal Werk Associatie KU Leuven, Location: Leuven
Etre un enfant en centre d'accueil (opens in a new window)ACCO LEARN; LeuvenISBN: 9789464149685
Kind zijn in een asielcentrum: Kansen versterken voor gezinnen na de vlucht (opens in a new window)Acco; LeuvenISBN: 9789463799188
Veerkracht in beweging: Dynamieken van vluchtelingengezinnen versterken (opens in a new window)GarantISBN: 9789044136791
Gezinnen na migratie. Hulpverlening en gezinsbeleid in een superdiverse samenleving (opens in a new window)Geldof, Dirk; Van Acker, Kaat; Loosveldt, Gianni; Emmery, KathleenGarant; Antwerpen-ApeldoornISBN: 978-90-441-3880-1