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Philippe Eiselein
Campus Brussel
Warmoesberg 26
1000 Brussel
1000 Brussel
- philippe.eiselein@odisee.be
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- +32478794051
Rollen & functies
- Lid Onderwijsteam Organisatie en Management - Campus Brussel
- Lid Onderzoeksgroep Bedrijfskunde
- Lid Onderzoekscentrum CenSE
Publications - results
Deze informatie is gebaseerd op de Lirias data. Voor meer informatie ga naar lirias (opens in a new window)
Trust as an enabler within sustainable partnerships for circularity (opens in a new window)Responsible Business Research Seminar, Location: Tampere, Finland
Book presentation: A financial guide for social entrepreneurs (opens in a new window)Enterprise Europe Network, Location: Online
Circulaire transitie door quintuple helix-partnerschappen: inzichten uit het Leuvense ecosysteem (opens in a new window)C3000 meeting, Location: Leuven
Sustainable partnerships dynamics in the Belgian circular economy (opens in a new window)Responsible Business Research Seminar, Location: Tampere, Finland
DISCUSSION PAPER - Building Trustworthy Collaborations: Principles and Constellations for Shaping Circular Economy partnerships (opens in a new window)International Association of Business & Society - IABS, Location: Bath, UK
Multi-stakeholder partnerships governance for circular economy collaborations (opens in a new window)Responsible Business Research Seminar 2024, Location: Tampere, Finland
European Social Innovation Campus: Work Package 2 sitrep during the Brussels' Transnational Meeting (opens in a new window)ESIC 2nd Transnational Meeting, Location: Brussels
"Managing social enterprises: scaling social impact and dealing with conflicting objectives" (opens in a new window)34TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE BUSINET, Date: 2022/03/09 - 2022/03/12, Location: Villamoura, Portugal
Circular competences and partnerships: A co-creative, inspirational session for research and practice (opens in a new window)34th Businet Conference, Location: Faro, Portugal
RepairZktHub Workshop: Werkgroep tewerkstelling en opleiding - competentieprofielen (opens in a new window)ESF: Circulair werk(t)!, Location: Sint-Pieters-Leeuw
Current competencies’ gap for social innovation across European countries (opens in a new window)16th International Social Innovation Research Conference (ISIRC), Location: Bern, Switzerland
The pedagogical evolution of social innovation education across European countries (opens in a new window)ISIRC, Location: Bern, Switzerland
European Social Innovation Campus: Insights from a Multi-stakeholder consortium (opens in a new window)EMES International Research Group, Location: Online session
Managing social enterprises: insights from a doctoral research (opens in a new window)Businet conference, Date: 2022/03/09 - 2022/03/13, Location: Faro, Portugal
Discussion paper: Developing sustainable partnerships for circular economies: a literature review (opens in a new window)International Association for Business and Society (IABS), Date: 2022/06/15 - 2022/06/18, Location: San Francisco, USA
Supportive Ecosystems for Social Enterprises: The Role of Family Firms. (opens in a new window)International Conference on New Business Models, Location: Maastricht
Socio-economic sustainability: Navigating the future together (opens in a new window)Cense Research Week, Location: Brussels
The application of social innovation education in European VETs and HEIs: A systematic literature review (opens in a new window)ISIRC 2024, Location: Bern, Switzerland
Empowering Changemakers: Building a European Curriculum for Social Innovation (opens in a new window)Social Innovation Forum, Date: 2024/10/01 - 2024/10/02, Location: Brussels
The power of collaborations through sustainable partnerships (opens in a new window)International Staff Days, Odisee, Location: Brussels
The European future of social innovation education: Pedagogies and competencies (opens in a new window)Advisory Board Social Innovation Initiative, Location: Online
The GrowthFundMe project: an interim report (opens in a new window)Transnational Meeting, Location: Zutphen
Partnerships and cross-sectoral collaborations for Circular Economies (opens in a new window)8th International Conference on New Business Models, Date: 2023/06/22 - 2023/06/23, Location: Maastricht
Building a circular pentagon: What the quintuple helix teaches us about circular transition (opens in a new window)Symposium Systematic Transformation, Date: 2023/03/21 - 2023/03/22, Location: Brussels
Denkdag - De Keet 2.0: Duurzame partnerschappen: inzichten uit de literatuur (opens in a new window)Denkdag De Keet 2.0, Location: Erembodgem, Aalst
Circulaire partnerschappen: voorlopige inzichten van een gestructureerde literatuurstudie (opens in a new window)Themadag samenwerkingsverbanden Circulair Werk(t)!, Location: Aalst
Bridging Theory and Practice: Towards a Competency-Based Social Innovation Curriculum Development across Europe (opens in a new window)IABS (International Association for Business and Society), Location: Annapolis, Maryland
Slotevenement S-Circel: Circulaire en sociale ecosystemen met het oog op doorstroom naar betaalde arbeid (opens in a new window)Slotevenement S-Circel, Location: Odisee campus Aalst
Reviewing social enterprises in Business and Society: Past achievements and future promises (opens in a new window)International Association of Business and Society (IABS), Location: Maastricht, the Netherlands
SYMPOSIUM: Reviewing social enterprises in Business and Society: Past achievements and future promises (opens in a new window)International Association for Business & Society, Date: 2025/04/03 - 2025/04/06, Location: Maastricht, The Netherlands
Systematic literature review of social innovation competencies (opens in a new window)9th EMES international training school, Date: 2024/06/30 - 2024/07/04, Location: Trento, Italy
GrowthFundMe - Module 1 - Social Entrepreneurship (opens in a new window)Jacobs, Tineke; Eiselein, Philippe
GrowthFundMe - Module 6 - Audience development and stakeholder engagement (opens in a new window)Eiselein, Philippe; Jacobs, tineke
Competentiemodel voor leidinggevenden in sociaal-circulaire samenwerkingen (opens in a new window)Eiselein, Philippe; Brabant, Karen
Scaling social impact (opens in a new window)Social Entrepreneurship and vulnerable social groups; 2022; pp. 79 - 90National and Kapadistrian University of Athens PressISBN: 978-960-466-282-1
Funding social enterprises (opens in a new window)Social Entrepreneurship and vulnerable social groups; 2022; pp. 116 - 127National and Kapodistrian University of Athens press
Developing sustainable partnerships in circular economies: a literature review (opens in a new window)Stakeholder engagement in sustainable circular economy; 2023; pp. 99 - 130Kujala, Johanna; Heikkinen, Anna; Blomberg, AnnikaPalgrave Macmillan ChamISBN: 978-3-031-31937-2DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-31937-2_4
Developing Sustainable Partnerships for Circular Economies: A Literature Review (opens in a new window)Stakeholder Engagement in a Sustainable Circular Economy; 2023; pp. 99 - 130Kujala, Johanna; Heikkinen, Anna; Blomberg, AnnikaPalgrave MacMillan; SwitzerlandISBN: 978-3-031-31936-5DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-31937-2
Towards a Just Circular Transition: Fostering Principles and Stakeholder Roles in Sustainable Partnerships (opens in a new window)Journal Of Cleaner Production; 2025; Vol. 486
Het meten van vertrouwen: Een scoping review van de gezondheidszorg (opens in a new window)Accountancy en Bedrijfskunde, Kwartaalschrift; 2024; iss. 2024; pp. 17 - 34
Social Entrepreneurship and vulnerable social groups (opens in a new window)Dentchev, Nikolay; Roncancio Marin, Jason; Alba, Claudia; Outsios, Georgios; Eiselein, PhilippeNational and Kapodistrian University of Athens press