Wie is wie
Robin Decoster
Campus Brussel-Terranova
Blekerijstraat 23-29 bus 1
1000 Brussel
1000 Brussel
- robin.decoster@odisee.be
Rollen & functies
- Lid OnderhandelingscomitƩ Cluster Gezondheidszorg - afvaardiging personeel
- Lid Onderwijsteam Medische Beeldvorming en Radiotherapie - Campus Brussel
- Lid Onderzoeksgroep Gezondheidszorg
- Ankerpersoon Internationalisering Medische Beeldvorming en Radiotherapie - Campus Brussel
Publications - results
Deze informatie is gebaseerd op de Lirias data. Voor meer informatie ga naar lirias (opens in a new window)
The European Health Data Space: are we prepared? (opens in a new window)European Radiology; 2024; Vol. 34; iss. 6; pp. 4187 - 4188
The difference in image quality assessment between radiographers and radiologists and its relationship with diagnostic accuracy (opens in a new window)Radiography; 2025; Vol. 31; iss. 1; pp. 89 - 96
The impact of COVID-19 upon student radiographers and clinical training (opens in a new window)Radiography; 2021; Vol. 27; iss. 2; pp. 464 - 474
Radiography of the distal extremity of the manus in the donkey foal: Normal images and quantitative characterization from birth to 2years of age: A pilot study (opens in a new window)Anatomia Histologia Embryologia; 2018; Vol. 47; iss. 1; pp. 71 - 83
Post-processing, is it a burden or a blessing? Part 2: CNR Saturation as a new hypothesis (opens in a new window)Radiography ; 2015; Vol. 21; iss. 1; pp. E5 - E8
Post-processing, is it a burden or a blessing? Part 1: Evaluation of clinical image quality Radiography (opens in a new window)Radiography ; 2015; Vol. 21; iss. 1; pp. E1 - E4
Understanding reasons for image rejection by radiologists and radiographers (opens in a new window)Journal of Medical Radiation Sciences; 2023; Vol. 70; iss. 2; pp. 127 - 136
Centralising information for AI courses in Europe (opens in a new window)EuSOMII, Date: 2024/10/11 - 2024/10/13, Location: Pizza, Italie
How can we make diabetes education more effective and cost efficient by using smart devices and offering remote guidance? (opens in a new window)CARE 4, Date: 2024/02/05 - 2024/02/06, Location: Antwerp
The Age of āThe Data Wranglerā!? (opens in a new window)SCOOP Symposium. Radiation protection and Innovation in medical imaging, Location: Gent
Research in radiograph: a how to guide (opens in a new window)European Congress of Radiology, Location: Vienna, Austria
Radiographer's decision making (opens in a new window)Research into practice - How we get from A to B, Date: 2015/09/25 - 2015/09/25, Location: Dublin, Ireland
DDI - From Theory To Practice (opens in a new window)Vereniging van Medisch Beeldvormers DCC, Date: 2011/04/26 - 2011/04/26, Location: UCL, Brussel
[Optimization]^3 = hack the black box! (opens in a new window)VMBv - IMAGO Colloquium MB, Date: 2013/01/23 - 2013/01/23
What if radiology was an art? When relationships define image quality and not the physics (opens in a new window)Asia Oceania Congress of Medical Physics: Advances in Medical Physics: Shaping the future of Modern Healthcare, Date: 2017/11/04 - 2017/11/07, Location: Jaipur, Rajasthan, India
Optimization of x-ray units with CDRAD phantom: Can it predict the radiologist opinion? (opens in a new window)European Congress of Radiology, Date: 2013/03/07 - 2013/03/11, Location: Vienna, Austria
The impact on workflow by the deployment of a hybrid radiology environment in a collaborative network, an evaluation (poster EUROPACS) (opens in a new window)CARS 2013: Computer assisted radiology and surgery, Date: 2013/06/26 - 2013/06/29, Location: Heidelberg, Germany
Radiography Image quality assessment by radiographers: does experience play a role? (opens in a new window)IIRRT, Date: 2016/10/08 - 2016/10/08, Location: Dublin
The radiologist and the radiographer: how do they compare in image quality judgement? (opens in a new window)ECR 2017, Date: 2017/03/03 - 2017/03/06
[Optimization]^3 = hack the blackbox! (opens in a new window)COLLOQUIUM MB, Date: 2013/03/23 - 2013/03/23, Location: Brussel
Digitale Detectoren? Van ALARA Naar ARARA! (opens in a new window)Voorjaarcongres NVMBR, Date: 2014/05/16 - 2014/05/16, Location: Zwolle
Do radiographers have x-ray vision? The role of mental prototyping in radiographerās decision-making (opens in a new window)European Congress of Radiology, Location: Vienna, Austria
Does radiographer assessment of image quality align with that required for diagnosis? (opens in a new window)European Congress of Radiology, Location: Vienna, Austria
Aidez-moi ! Les robots arrivent ! Impacts sur la formation et la profession du TIM de lāintelligence artificielle (opens in a new window)JournĆ©e internationale des Technologues en Imagerie, Location: Institut Paul Lambin, Brussels
Artificiƫle intelligentie, de onschuld voorbij!? Een (techniek) filosofisch perspectief op de beeldvorming van morgen! (opens in a new window)IDOR, Location: Museum voor radiologie, Brussels
Blikopener. Hoe Vlaamse kennisinstellingen zorgvoorzieningen kunnen helpen om innovatiedromen na te jagen (opens in a new window)Info & Inspire Day Vlaams Onafhankelijk Zorgnetwerk (VLOZO), Location: Mechelen
How well do we cope with digital detectors? A visual grading analysis of orthopedic radiographs (opens in a new window)ETRAP - International Conference on Education and Training in Radiological Protection, Date: 2013/03/02 - 2013/03/15, Location: Vienna, Austria
Towards Sustainable Business Models for the Healthcare Industry: An Empirical Analysis of 32 Healthcare Startups (opens in a new window)9th International Conference on New Business Models (NBM2024), Location: San Sebastian
Detector dose vs image quality in radiography with digital detectors: a visual grading analysis (opens in a new window)European Congress of Radiology, Date: 2013/03/07 - 2013/03/11, Location: Vienna, Austria
TETRA Digitale Werkinstructies (opens in a new window)Slotevent TETRA Digitale Werkinstructies, Location: Odisee Gent
Assessment of image quality in orthopaedic radiography with digital detectors: a visual grading analysis (opens in a new window)Proc. SPIE 8673, Medical Imaging 2013: Image Perception, Observer Performance, and Technology Assessment, 86731C; 2013; Vol. 8673SPIE Medical Imaging, Date: 2013/02/09 - 2013/02/14, Location: Florida, USA
Do radiographers base the diagnostic acceptability of a radiograph on anatomical structures? (opens in a new window)Medical Imaging 2018: Image Perception, Observer Performance, and Technology Assessment; 2018; Vol. 10577; iss. 10577SPIE Medical imaging: Image Perception, Observer Performance, and Technology Assessment, Date: 2018/02/10 - 2018/02/15, Location: Houston, TX, USA
Variability amongst radiographers in the categorization of clinical acceptability for digital trauma radiography (opens in a new window)MEDICAL IMAGING 2016: IMAGE PERCEPTION, OBSERVER PERFORMANCE, AND TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT; 2016; Vol. 9787Conference on Medical Imaging - Image Perception, Observer Performance, and Technology Assessment, Date: 2016/03/02 - 2016/03/03, Location: San Diego, CA