Wie is wie
Stef Aerts
Projectmanager IKCO-Basisvoorwaarden & docent Agrobio
Campus Sint-Niklaas
Hospitaalstraat 23
9100 Sint-Niklaas
9100 Sint-Niklaas
- stef.aerts@odisee.be
Rollen & functies
- Lid Onderhandelingscomité Cluster (Bio)Technologie - afvaardiging personeel
- Medewerker Dienst Onderwijsontwikkeling en Kwaliteitszorg (DOK)
- Lid onderwijsteam Agro- en biotechnologie - Campus Sint-Niklaas
- Lid kernteam Agro- en biotechnologie - Campus Sint-Niklaas
- Lid Resonantieraad Agro- en biotechnologie - Campus Sint-Niklaas
- Lid Onderzoeksgroep (Bio)Technologie
- Trajectbegeleider Agro- en biotechnologie - Campus Sint-Niklaas
Publications - results
Deze informatie is gebaseerd op de Lirias data. Voor meer informatie ga naar lirias (opens in a new window)
Het etiket zegt niets over de veebehandeling (opens in a new window)Test-Aankoop ; 2014; pp. 33 - ...
Plofkippen moeten worden doorgeprikt (opens in a new window)De Financieel-Economische Tijd ; 2003; Vol. 16; pp. 2 - 2
The professional in the food chain, technology and expertise (opens in a new window)EurSafe News; 2018; Vol. June 2018
We kunnen niet meer blijven doen alsof we onschuldig zijn (opens in a new window)De Morgen ; 2017; Vol. 13
Zoetwaterkabeljauw: de vis van morgen uit de keuken van gisteren (opens in a new window)Aquacultuur ; 2011; Vol. 26; iss. 1; pp. 1 - 8
Neoliberale logica heeft zijn langste tijd gehad (opens in a new window)Vork ; 2015; Vol. 2; iss. 2; pp. 57 - 61
Interview met landbouwethicus Stef Aerts: ‘De massa blijft haar boodschappen doen in de supermarkt’ (opens in a new window)Landbouwleven; 2020; iss. 9 January 2020; pp. 6 - 7
Landbouwexpert: "Er is maar kleine vonk nodig om bij ons de vlam in de pan te doen slaan" (opens in a new window)Landbouwleven; 2019; Vol. online
Consequenter alle dierenleed vermijden (opens in a new window)Tertio ; 2015; Vol. 815; pp. 12 - 13
Slachthuispolemiek vertelt veel over onze relatie met voedsel en landbouwers (opens in a new window)Landbouwleven ; 2017; Vol. 31; pp. 6 - 8
De empirische wending in de niet-humane bioethiek (opens in a new window)Ethische Perspectieven: Nieuwsbrief van het Overlegcentrum voor Ethiek ; 2004; Vol. 14; iss. 2; pp. 199 - 204
Evaluation of the Rice pelvimeter for measuring pelvic area in double muscled Belgian Blue cows (opens in a new window)Livestock Science; 2009; Vol. 121; iss. 2; pp. 259 - 266
Named, numbered or anonymous: how the Human-Animal Relation affects the naming of individual animals (opens in a new window)Beiträge zur Namenforschung ; 2015; Vol. 50; iss. 3; pp. 309 - 318
Pelvic dimensions in phenotypically double-muscled Belgian Blue cows (opens in a new window)Reproduction in Domestic Animals ; 2012; Vol. 47; iss. 3; pp. 365 - 371
Short chain food supply in Flanders (Belgium): direct sales of farm made products (opens in a new window)Bulletin UASVM Agriculture ; 2010; Vol. 67; iss. 1; pp. 154 - 160
Analysis of body measurements of newborn purebred Belgian Blue calves (opens in a new window)Animal; 2010; Vol. 4; iss. 5; pp. 661 - 671
History and Ethics of Keeping Pets (opens in a new window)Journal of Agricultural & Environmental Ethics ; 2006; Vol. 19; iss. 1; pp. 17 - 25
The ethical merits of the use of by-products in agriculture (opens in a new window)Bulletin UASVM Agriculture ; 2009; Vol. 66; iss. 1; pp. 1 - 6
Special issue on animals and their welfare (opens in a new window)Journal of Agricultural & Environmental Ethics ; 2006; Vol. 19; iss. 1; pp. 3 - 5
An Ethical Argument in Favor of Nano-enabled Diagnostics in Livestock Disease Control (opens in a new window)Nanoethics ; 2008; Vol. 2; iss. 2; pp. 163 - 178
De individuele mens-dierrelatie: dood en ziekte als discriminant voor de waarde van een dier (opens in a new window)Ethische Perspectieven: Nieuwsbrief van het Overlegcentrum voor Ethiek ; 2004; Vol. 14; iss. 4; pp. 406 - 412
Assessment of differences in some indicators of pain in double muscled Belgian Blue cows following naturally calving vs caesarean section (opens in a new window)Reproduction in Domestic Animals; 2010; Vol. 45; iss. 1; pp. 160 - 167
Op zoek naar oude Vlaamse rassen voor een duurzame veehouderij (opens in a new window)Landbouwleven; 2021; Vol. 2021; pp. 40 - 41
Practice-oriented Ethical Models to Bridge Animal Production, Ethics and Society (opens in a new window)Decuypere, E; De Tavernier, J; Lips, D
Een koe is geen cavia: waarom spreken met consumenten zo moeilijk is (opens in a new window)Over koetjes en kalfjes, Location: Roeselare-Beitem
The importance of humane sciences, and ethics in particular, in veterinary education (opens in a new window)Cultural and societal influences on treatment options in animal health, Date: 2017/10/02, Location: Liège
Effect of early weaning and co-feeding in burbot larvicluture (opens in a new window)The 18h International Conference ”LIFE SCIENCES FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT”, Date: 2019/09/26 - 2019/09/28, Location: CLuj-Napoca
Ethische aspecten van de intensieve varkenshouderij (opens in a new window)Opleiding Vakdierenarts Varken, Location: Merelbeke
Kijken over de muur: procedure en werkwijze bij ethische commissies binnen de wereld van laboratoria en dierproeven (opens in a new window)Intervisiedag Dierentuinen: Inspiratie voor Welzijn, Date: 2019/10/23, Location: Sint-Niklaas
Over zeevarkentjes en Piétrains. Waarom spreken met consumenten zo moeilijk is (opens in a new window)Inagro Varkensacademie, Date: 2019/11/29 - 2019/11/29, Location: Beitem
Evaluation of 2 weaning protocols for burbot, Lota lota, in RAS (opens in a new window)Domestication of Finfish Aquaculture, Date: 2012/01/23 - 2012/01/10, Location: Olsztyn-Mragowo
De toekomst van de landbouw (opens in a new window)Dag van de Wetenschap, Date: 2013/01/24 - 2013/01/11, Location: Gent
Food Challenges (opens in a new window)Hogere Stafopleiding, Koninklijke Militaire School, Date: 2014/09/30 - 2014/09/30
Ethiek van vleesconsumptie (opens in a new window)SID-Lezing Universiteit Utrecht, Date: 2013/11/05 - 2013/11/05, Location: Utrecht
Assessing Western influence on Eastern producers through the citizen/consumer paradox (opens in a new window)International Symposium Prospects for a 3rd Millennium Agriculture, Date: 2014/09/25 - 2014/09/27, Location: Cluj-Napoca, Romania
An ethical argument for vigilant prevention (opens in a new window)VEE Studiedag, Date: 2011/10/27 - 2011/10/27, Location: Sint-Niklaas
Sturing van Vlaamse Landbouw vanuit Maatschappelijke keuzes (opens in a new window)Landbouwstudiedag, Location: Gent
CULTURE OF BURBOT Lota lota (L., 1758): CURRENT STATUS, RESEARCH AND PROSPECTS (opens in a new window)World Aquaculture Society, Location: Prague
Personalisme & Ecologie: verkenning van de mogelijkheden (opens in a new window)De utopie van het personalisme. Ideeën voor de samenleving van morgen?, Date: 2016/11/29 - 2016/11/29, Location: Leuven
Dierenwelzijn en wetenschap: achtergrond en casussen (opens in a new window)Confocus lezing, Date: 2016/10/17 - 2016/10/17, Location: Hasselt
Ethiek en dierziektebestrijding (opens in a new window)Confocus lezing, Date: 2014/09/18 - 2014/09/18
Welzijn van mens en dier: ethische beschouwingen (opens in a new window)Dieren in de gezondheidszorg, Date: 2017/05/05 - 2017/05/05, Location: Brussel
Het melden van dierenverwaarlozing en dierenmishandeling door dierenartsen: juridische en deontologische analyse en advies aan de overheid. Position paper van het IRED (opens in a new window)De link tussen dierenmishandeling en intrafamiliaal geweld, Location: Merelbeke
Ethiek en dierziektebestrijding (opens in a new window)Confocus bijscholing DMO
Vlees en klimaat (opens in a new window)Vilt Studienamiddag Agribex, Date: 2013/12/04 - 2013/12/04
Gaat inzet op dierenwelzijn hand in hand met efficiënt fokken? Kader en maatschappelijke context (opens in a new window)Fokkerijdag. Inzetten op dierenwelzijn en efficiënt fokken: een harmonieus tweespan?, Date: 2014/11/05 - 2014/11/05, Location: Leuven
Ethical aspects of endemic disease eradication (opens in a new window)VEE Studiedag, Date: 2010/10/20 - 2010/10/20, Location: Roeselare
The Belgian Blue Beef and Caesarean Section (opens in a new window)Compassion in World Farming, Date: 2005/01/01 - 2005/01/01
Named, numbered or anonymous: how the Human-Animal Relation affects the naming of individual animals (opens in a new window)Bello, Gin Tonic, Krake Paul– Individualnamen von Tieren, Date: 2013/10/07 - 2013/10/08, Location: Mainz
Making agricultural production more ethical by doing less (opens in a new window)Prospects for the 3rd millennium agriculture, Date: 2015/09/24 - 2015/09/26, Location: Cluj-Napoca
Het doden van dieren als collateral damage (opens in a new window)Confocus lezing, Date: 2014/12/11 - 2014/12/11, Location: Hasselt
Ondernemen met je omgeving (opens in a new window)Feed The Future Jongerencongres, Date: 2016/11/10 - 2016/11/10, Location: Geel
Ethiek en dierziektebestrijding (opens in a new window)Bijscholing voor Dierenartsen Met Opdracht, Location: Edegem
Dierenwelzijn en wetenschap: achtergrond en casussen (opens in a new window)Confocus lezing, Location: Berchem
Dierethiek en de definitie van dierenwelzijn (opens in a new window)Bijscholing Vakdierenarts Varken, Location: Merelbeke
THE AQUA-VIEW PROJECT: A European common education in aquaculture (opens in a new window)6'th International Professional Conference TRENDS AND CHALLENGES in food technology, nutrition, hospitality, tourism, education and training, Date: 2022/10/27 - 2022/10/28, Location: Ljubljana, Slovenia
The Search for a Noble Crayfish Diet (opens in a new window)International Association of Astacology Symposium, Date: 2014/09/22 - 2014/09/26, Location: Sapporo, Japan
Effect of commercial and vegetable diets on growth performance, survival rate and cheliped loss in noble crayfish (Astacus astacus L.) under intensive culture conditions (opens in a new window)IAA, Date: 2014/09/22 - 2014/09/26, Location: Sapporo, Japan
Early weaning of Burbot (Lota lota) in RAS (opens in a new window)European Aquaculture Society, Date: 2014/01/01 - 2014/01/01, Location: San Sebastian
Aquaculture in Belgium: Aqua-ERF to investigate species diversification in RAS with specific interest in Lota lota (Linnaeus, 1758) (opens in a new window)Diversification in inland finfish aquaculture, Date: 2011/05/16 - 2011/05/18, Location: Písek
Determing Feeding regime and optimal density for the commercial culture of burbot (opens in a new window)Domestication of Finfish Aquaculture, Date: 2012/10/23 - 2012/10/25, Location: Olsztyn-Mragowo
Wening of burbot Lota lota (L., 1758): first results at AquaERF (opens in a new window)European Aquaculture Society, Date: 2011/11/18 - 2011/11/21, Location: Rhodes, Greece
Effect of different housing methods on specific growth rate, survival and cheliped loss in noble crayfish (Astacus astacus L.) in a recirculating aquaculture system (opens in a new window)CrayCro - European Crayfish meeting, Date: 2013/09/27 - 2013/09/27, Location: Rovinj, Kroatië
Zoetwaterkabeljauw (Lota lota) in Vlaanderen: stand van zaken (opens in a new window)Vlaams aquacultuur symposium, Date: 2012/01/14 - 2012/01/01, Location: Beitem
Burbot, Lota lota (Linnaeus, 1758), an opportunity for the diversification of European Inland Aquaculture (opens in a new window)Prospects for the 3rd Millenium Agriculture, Date: 2011/09/29 - 2011/09/29, Location: Cluj-Napoca
Effect of Elevated Ionized Ammonium (NH4+) Concentrations on Growth Performance and Mortality of Burbot (Lota lota L.) (opens in a new window)18th International Conference Life Sciences for Sustainable Development, Date: 2019/09/26 - 2019/09/28, Location: University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
The road to commercial burbot aquaculture – a summary (opens in a new window)7th International Symposium on Burbot, 14th International Congress on the Biology of Fish (ICBF), Date: 2022/06/28 - 2022/07/01, Location: Montpellier, France
Fishmeal replacement by feather meal and feather meal hydrolysate in rainbow trout (o. Mykiss) (opens in a new window)International Symposium on Fish Nutrition and Feeding, Date: 2018/06/03 - 2018/06/07, Location: Las Palmas De Gran Canaria
American Bison (Bison bison) in farms: a survey of slaughter practices (opens in a new window)Prospects for the 3rd millennium agriculture, Date: 2015/09/24 - 2015/09/26, Location: Cluj-Napoca
The effect of exogenous enzymes in the diet of common carp (c. Carpio) on growth performance and feed utilization (opens in a new window)International Symposium on Fish Nutrition and Feeding, Date: 2018/06/03 - 2018/06/07, Location: Las Palmas De Gran Canaria
Curriculaire kaders implementeren vergt procesbegeleiding en afstemming met diensten (opens in a new window)Systeembrede analyse Futureproof curricula, Date: 2024/10/11, Location: Gent
Establishing culture parameters for noble crayfish (Astacus astacus, L.) in recirculating aquaculture systems (opens in a new window)IAA Symposium, Date: 2012/08/26 - 2012/08/31, Location: Innsbruck, Austria
Assessment of pain perception in double muscled Belgian Blue cows following delivery per vaginam versus caesarean section (opens in a new window)Welfare of Animals at Farm Level, Date: 2008/09/10 - 2008/09/12, Location: Ghent
Methionine enrichment of artemia for application in burbot (lota lota) larviculture (opens in a new window)European Aquculture Society, Date: 2016/09/20 - 2016/09/23, Location: Edinburgh, Scotland
Effect of illuminance and white light spectrum on growth performance in noble crayfish (Astacus astacus L.) (opens in a new window)Aquaculture Europe, Date: 2016/09/20 - 2016/09/23, Location: Edinburgh, Scotland
The effect of different nspase levels in the diet of nile tilapia (o. niloticus) on growth performance, feed utilization, and selected parameters reflecting energy metabolism and gut integrity (opens in a new window)Aquaculture Europe 16, Date: 2016/09/21 - 2016/09/23, Location: Edinburgh
Growth and behaviour in relation to skin lesion surface due to Psoroptes and Trychophyton in Belgian Blue Cattle (opens in a new window)The 8th International Symposium. Prospects for the 3rd millenium Agriculture., Date: 2009/10/07 - 2009/10/10
The Belgian Blue Beef: behavioural welfare issues relating to Caesarian section and Psoroptes infestation (opens in a new window)Carrefour des Productions Animales. Centre Wallon de Recherche Agronomique, Date: 2007/01/24 - 2007/01/01
Behavioural indicators of pain in Belgian White-Blue cattle: base-line observations (opens in a new window)Congres ISAE International Society for Applied Ethology, Date: 2006/08/08 - 2006/08/12, Location: Bristol (UK)
Effect of Photoperiod on Juvenile Redclaw (Cherax quadricarinatus) Performance in a Closed Aquaculture System (opens in a new window)International Crayfish Meeting, Date: 2019/08/27 - 2019/08/30, Location: Visby, Gotland, Sweden
Developing innovative algae-based products and technologies (opens in a new window)International Conference on Innovation for Sustainable Production (i-SUP), Date: 2010/04/18 - 2010/04/21, Location: Bruges, Belgium
A low cost set-up to measure underwater spectral irradiance in aquaria (opens in a new window)BIAZA Annual Research Conference, Date: 2016/06/28 - 2016/06/29, Location: Yorkshire Wildlife Park, Doncaster
Encyclopedia of Food and Agricultural Ethics. Figures and Organisations (opens in a new window)Aerts, Stef; De Tavernier, Johan; Thompson, Paul B; Kaplan, David M
Teaching animal ethics to large groups in Flanders, Belgium (opens in a new window)Proceedings booklet; 2023; pp. 32 - 34Veterinary Ethics Conference, Date: 2023/09/27 - 2023/09/29, Location: Vienna
Stakeholder's attitudes to and engagement for animal welfare: to participation and cocreation (opens in a new window)ETHICS AND THE POLITICS OF FOOD; 2006; pp. 500 - +6th Congress of the European-Society-for-Agricultural-and-Food-Ethics, Date: 2006/06/22 - 2006/06/24, Location: NORWAY, Oslo
On the ethics and sustainability of intensive veal production (opens in a new window)Professionals in food chains: ethics, roles and responsibilities; 2018; pp. 87 - 9214th Congress of the European Society for Agricultural and Food Ethics, Date: 2018/06/13 - 2018/06/16, Location: Vienna
Personalism as a ground for moderate anthropocentrism (opens in a new window)Professionals in Food Chains: ethics, roles and responsibilities; 2018; pp. 361 - 36414th Congress of the European Society for Agricultural and Food Ethics, Date: 2018/06/13 - 2018/06/16, Location: Vienna
Tail docking in horses: tradition, economy, welfare and the future of the Belgian draft horse (opens in a new window)Ethics and politics of Food ; 2006; pp. 533 - 534EurSafe, Date: 2006/06/22 - 2006/06/24, Location: Oslo
Practice-oriented ethics (opens in a new window)Sustainable food production and ethics ; 2007; pp. 109 - 114EurSafe, Date: 2007/09/13 - 2007/09/15, Location: Wien
Best practice in animal production: a grassroots evaluation framework (opens in a new window)Sustainable food production and ethics ; 2007; pp. 285 - 289EurSafe, Date: 2007/09/13 - 2007/09/15, Location: Wien
BSE: humans, animals and economy (opens in a new window)Food Quality - A challenge for North and South ; 2003; pp. 29 - 38Food Quality - A challenge for North and South, Date: 2003/01/01 - 2003/01/01, Location: Leuven
Animal welfare in assurance schemes: benchmarking for progress (opens in a new window)Sustainable food production and ethics ; 2007; pp. 279 - 285congress of the European Society for Agricultural and Food Ethics, Date: 2007/09/13 - 2007/09/15, Location: Vienna
Ethics for vets: can ethics help to improve animal disease control? (opens in a new window)Ethical futures: bioscience and food horizons ; 2009; pp. 331 - 336Congress of the European Society for Agricultural and Food Ethics, Date: 2009/07/02 - 2009/07/04, Location: Nottingham
Moral responsibilities of veterinarians in the context of genetic testing for degenerative myelopathy in dogs. (opens in a new window)Back to the future - Sustainable innovations for ethical food production and consumption; 2024; pp. 267 - 272EurSafe 2024, Date: 2024/09/11 - 2024/09/14, Location: Ede
The Ethic of Care can be translated from human nursing to veterinary nursing (opens in a new window)Sustainable governance and management of food systems. Ethical perspectives; 2019; pp. 141 - 14415th Congress of the European Society for Agricultural and Food Ethics, Date: 2019/09/18 - 2019/09/21, Location: Tampere
Stakeholder's attitudes to and engagement for animal welfare (opens in a new window)Ethics and politics of Food ; 2006; pp. 500 - 505EurSafe, Date: 2006/06/22 - 2006/06/24, Location: Oslo
Development of an Animal Disease Intervention Matrix (ADIM) (opens in a new window)Ethics and politics of Food ; 2006; pp. 233 - 238EurSafe, Date: 2006/06/22 - 2006/06/24, Location: Oslo
A philosophical and technical critique of zooanthropology as a moral and practical paradigm (opens in a new window)Proceedings Eursafe: Food Futures. Ethics, Science & Culture pages ; 2016; Vol. 13; pp. 175 - 180EurSafe, Date: 2016/09/28 - 2016/10/01, Location: Porto
Citizen views on animal welfare and animal rights in Flanders (opens in a new window)Transforming food systems: ethics, innovation and responsibility; 2022; pp. 235 - 239EurSafe 2022, Date: 2022/09/07 - 2022/09/10, Location: Edinburgh
Will Nano-Enabled Diagnostics Make Animal Disease Control More Sustainable? (opens in a new window)Sustainable Food Production and Ethics ; 2007; pp. 365 - 370EurSafe, Date: 2007/09/13 - 2007/09/15, Location: Vienna
Animal welfare benefits to mobile slaughter of cattle (opens in a new window)Sustainable governance and management of food systems; 2019; pp. 333 - 33715th Congress of the European Society for Agricultural and Food Ethics., Date: 2019/09/18 - 2019/09/21, Location: Tampere, Finland
Balancing professional obligations and animal welfare: the ethics and legal framework surrounding reporting of animal neglect and abuse by veterinarians in Belgium (opens in a new window)Proceedings Booklet; 2023; pp. 79 - 81Veterinary Ethics Conference, Location: Vienna
A new framework for the assessment of animal welfare (opens in a new window)EurSafe 2004: Science, ethics and society / J. De Tavernier & S. Aerts (ed.). - Leuven: Centre for agricultural bio- and environmental ethics ; 2004; pp. 34 - 37
Animal welfare differences between caesarean section and natural delivery in Belgian Blue cattle (opens in a new window)Ethics and politics of Food ; 2006; pp. 495 - 499EurSafe, Date: 2006/06/22 - 2006/06/24, Location: Oslo
The 6 F's of Agriculture (opens in a new window)Ethical Futures: Bioscience and Food Horizons ; 2009; pp. 331 - 336EurSafe, Date: 2009/07/02 - 2009/07/04, Location: University of Nottingham
The ethics of keeping pets (opens in a new window)EurSafe 2004: Science, ethics and society / J. De Tavernier & S. Aerts (ed.). - Leuven: Centre for agricultural bio- and environmental ethics ; 2004; pp. 229 - 231
History and ethics of keeping pets: Comparison with farm animals (opens in a new window)Journal of Agricultural & Environmental Ethics ; 2006; Vol. 19; iss. 1; pp. 17 - 255th Congress of the European-Society-for-Agricultural-and-Food-Ethics, Date: 2004/09/02 - 2004/09/04, Location: BELGIUM, Katholieke Univ Leuven, Leuven
A new framework for the assessment of animal welfare: Integrating existing knowledge from a practical ethics perspective (opens in a new window)Journal of Agricultural & Environmental Ethics ; 2006; Vol. 19; iss. 1; pp. 67 - 765th Congress of the European-Society-for-Agricultural-and-Food-Ethics, Date: 2004/09/02 - 2004/09/04, Location: BELGIUM, Katholieke Univ Leuven, Louvain
Culling of Day-Old Chickens: Opening the debates of Moria? (opens in a new window)Ethical Futures: Bioscience and Food Horizons ; 2009; pp. 117 - 122EurSafe, Date: 2009/07/02 - 2009/07/04, Location: University of Nottingham
Evaluation of the influence of light conditions on crayfish welfare in intensive aquaculture (opens in a new window)Proceedings Eursafe: Food Futures. Ethics, Science & Culture pages ; 2016; Vol. 13; pp. 244 - 250EurSafe, Date: 2016/09/28 - 2016/10/01, Location: Porto
Antropocentrische sterke duurzaamheid (opens in a new window)De mens centraal. Essays over het personalisme vandaag en morgen; 2017; pp. 171 - 179Deweer, Dries; Van Hecke, StevenPelckmans Pro; KalmthoutISBN: 978 94 6337 0776
The consumer does not exist: overcoming the citizen/consumer paradox by shifting focus (opens in a new window)The Ethics of Consumption: The Citizen, the Market and the Law; 2013; pp. 172 - 176Röcklinsberg, Helena; Sandin, PerWageningen Academic Publishers; WageningenISBN: 978-90-8686-231-3DOI: 10.3920/978-90-8686-784-4_27SCOPUSID: 2-s2.0-84937629183
Agriculture’s 6 Fs and the need for more intensive agriculture (opens in a new window)Climate Change and Sustainable Development: Ethical Perspectives on Land Use and Food Production; 2012; pp. 192 - 195Potthast, Thomas; Meisch, SimonWageningen Academic Publishers; WageningenISBN: 9789086867530DOI: 10.3920/978-90-8686-753-0_27SCOPUSID: 2-s2.0-84887955248
Ken je omgeving (opens in a new window)Feed the Future. De weg naar een succesvolle bedrijfsovername ; 2017; pp. 45 - 49Fedagrim vzw; Brussel
Curriculaire kaders implementeren vergt procesbegeleiding en afstemming met diensten in Odisee (opens in a new window)Systeembrede analyse Futureproof curricula; 2024; pp. 61 - 63NVAO; Den Haag
Killing animals as a matter of collateral damage (opens in a new window)The end of animal life: a start for ethical debate ; 2015; pp. 167 - 186Meijboom, Frank LB; Stassen, Elsbeth NWageningen Academic Publishers; Wageningen, The NetherlandsISBN: 978-90-8686-260-3DOI: 10.3920/978-90-8686-808-7_11SCOPUSID: 2-s2.0-85040021911
An ethical argument for vigilant prevention (opens in a new window)Climate Change and Sustainable Development: Ethical Perspectives on Land Use and Food Production; 2012; pp. 267 - 270Potthast, Thomas; Meisch, SimonWageningen Academic Publishers; WageningenISBN: 9789086867530DOI: 10.3920/978-90-8686-753-0_39SCOPUSID: 2-s2.0-84930980533
Which sustainability suits you? (opens in a new window)Climate Change and Sustainable Development: Ethical Perspectives on Land Use and Food Production; 2012; pp. 43 - 46Potthast, Thomas; Meisch, SimonWageningen Academic Publishers; WageningenISBN: 978-90-8686-197-2DOI: 10.3920/978-90-8686-753-0_4SCOPUSID: 2-s2.0-84930980145
Het doden van dieren: ethische aspecten (opens in a new window)Het doden van dieren. Maatschappelijke en ethische aspecten / P.A. Koolmees, J.M. Swabe & L.J.E. Rutgers (ed.). - Wageningen: Wageningen Ac. Publ. ; 2003; pp. 35 - 45
Pain perception in crayfish (Astacus astacus): empirical observations and ethical consequences (opens in a new window)Know your food. Food ethics and innovation ; 2015; pp. 157 - 162Wageningen Academic Publishers; Wageningen, The NetherlandsISBN: 9789086862641DOI: 10.3920/978-90-8686-813-1_23SCOPUSID: 2-s2.0-85040031589
BSE: to the limits of the precautionary principle and beyond (opens in a new window)Ethics as a dimension of agrifood policy (4th Congress of the European Society for Agricultural and Food Ethics) / E. Jolivet (ed.). - Toulouse: INRA ; 2003; pp. 22 - 24
An ethical evaluation of the alternatives for surgical castration of piglets (opens in a new window)Ethics as a dimension of agrifood policy (4th Congress of the European Society for Agricultural and Food Ethics) / E. Jolivet (ed.). - Toulouse: INRA ; 2003; pp. 139 - 142
Ethical considerations on the usage of sexed sperm in stock breeding (opens in a new window)Ethics as a dimension of agrifood policy (4th Congress of the European Society for Agricultural and Food Ethics) / E. Jolivet (ed.). - Toulouse: INRA ; 2003; pp. 174 - 175
Feed efficiencies in animal production: a non-numerical analysis (opens in a new window)Climate Change and Sustainable Development: Ethical Perspectives on Land Use and Food Production; 2012; pp. 196 - 201Potthast, Thomas; Meisch, SimonWageningen Academic Publishers; WageningenISBN: 9789086867530DOI: 10.3920/978-90-8686-753-0_28SCOPUSID: 2-s2.0-84930986303
Ethiek voor de landbouw (opens in a new window)Independently publishedISBN: 9798675031474
Dier en welzijn (opens in a new window)LannooCampus; Tielt-LeuvenISBN: 978-90-209-8694-5
Wetboek Dierenwelzijn en dierenhouderij 2020 (opens in a new window)Intersentia; BrusselISBN: 9789400012509
Wetboek Dierenwelzijn en Dierenhouderij (opens in a new window)Larcier uitgeverij
Wetboek 2019. Dierenwelzijn en dierenhouderij. (opens in a new window)LarcierISBN: 9782807917231
Dier en Welzijn (opens in a new window)LannooCampus; Tielt-LeuvenISBN: 90 209 6323 6
Know your food. Food ethics and innovation (opens in a new window)Dumitras, Diana Elena; Jitea, Ionel Mugurel; Aerts, StefWageningen Academic Publishers; Wageningen, The NetherlandsISBN: 9789086862641
EurSafe 2004: Science, ethics and society (opens in a new window)De Tavernier, Johan; Aerts, Stef; Aerts, StefanKUL. Centre for agricultural bio- and environmental ethics; Leuven