ECSO-MRI - curriculum

Module descriptors

Basic Course

The aim of the basic MRI safety course (10 ECTS) is to provide a foundation in MRI safety, leading to an awareness of the risks that are present for staff and patients within the MRI department. Topics covered will all be focussed on MRI safety and will range from the basics of magnetism through to the bioeffects of the different electromagnetic fields used in MRI. The basic course will also address contrast agents used in MRI, screening of patients and staff, and the basic concepts of suite design.

Advanced Course

The advanced course (20 ECTS) will be focussed on developing the basic concepts of MRI safety addressed in the basic course to a more advanced level. All aspects regarding the radiofrequency electromagnetic field, static magnetic field and gradient magnetic field will be explored in more detail, with in-depth correlation to clinical practice. Emphasis will be placed on risk assessment of passive and active implants. The advanced course will provide MRI personnel with the knowledge and skills required to be confident decision makers, dealing with issues that arise in the day to day running of the MRI unit to the level of an MRI safety officer. It will enable them to be key members and decision makers on the MRI safety committee within their organisation.