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Admission assessment for bachelor's degree programmes

If you do not meet the diploma requirements for starting a bachelor's degree programme, you can take an admission assessment.

The assessment consists of:

  • An interview in which the criteria choice, study skills and perseverance are evaluated.
  • A reading comprehension test.

Deadline for submitting your file

  • before 01/09 for candidates starting in the 1st semester
  • before 03/01 for candidates starting in the 2nd semester, if the programme offers this possibility.

Graduated, now what?

When you graduate, whether or not during the academic year, you can choose from several options. You can decide to start working immediately, as an employee or as a self-employed person, or you can choose to continue your studies (possibly abroad).

If you have not found a job immediately after finishing your studies, it is best to register as a jobseeker with VDAB (residence in Flanders) or Actiris (residence in Brussels) as soon as possible. Every school-leaver needs to complete a 12-month vocational integration period and receive 2 positive evaluations of the efforts made before being able to apply for inclusion benefits. During your integration period, you must be available for the labour market and effectively look for work.

If you are registered as a job-seeker but decide later to go back to study, you can deregister without any consequences.

Registration with a non-Flemish diploma

If you have obtained your secondary school diploma at an institution outside the Flemish Community, you cannot register immediately. Not even if you are Belgian and/or Dutch-speaking. You first need to apply for admission.

Admission requirements for registration with a non-Flemish diploma

If your secondary school diploma was awarded by a secondary school outside the Flemish Community,  you need to apply for admission before you can register for the Bachelor of Business Management programme.  


  • If you graduated from a secondary school in the Flemish Community, you can start your registration here.
  • If you are applying for a Dutch-taught programme, other admission requirements apply.


Apply for admission

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