Wie is wie
Katrin Gillis
Campus Sint-Niklaas
Hospitaalstraat 23
9100 Sint-Niklaas
9100 Sint-Niklaas
- katrin.gillis@odisee.be
Rollen & functies
- Lid Onderwijsteam Verpleegkunde - Campus Sint-Niklaas
- Lid Onderzoeksgroep Gezondheidszorg
Publications - results
Deze informatie is gebaseerd op de Lirias data. Voor meer informatie ga naar lirias (opens in a new window)
A Hospitality Improvement Intervention in Residential Care Does Not Warrant Staff Job Satisfaction or Turnover Intention: A Cross-Sectional Survey Study Investigating the Hostmanship Program (opens in a new window)Cureus Journal of Medical Science; 2022; Vol. 14; iss. 3
Consciousness assessment: A questionnaire of current neuroscience nursing practice in Europe (opens in a new window)Journal Of Clinical Nursing; 2018; Vol. 27; iss. 21-22; pp. 3913 - 3919
A model for shared clinical care in the COVID-19 crisis (opens in a new window)Infection Control And Hospital Epidemiology; 2021; Vol. 42; iss. 7; pp. 913 - 914
Vaccinatiecampagne AZ Nikolaas heeft groot effect (opens in a new window)Nursing ; 2014; Vol. 20; iss. 12; pp. 8 - 8
Whitepaper verwachtingen van babyboomers over zorg (opens in a new window)Vitaal; 2023; Vol. nov 2023; iss. 1; pp. 4 - 19
Kijk eens dieper in de ogen van je patiënt (opens in a new window)Neuronieuws; 2010; pp. 11 - 15
Evidence based practice bij de externe ventrikeldrain op een verpleegafdeling (opens in a new window)Neuronieuws; 2009; pp. 8 - 11
Gedrag van ouderen verraadt onvervulde basisbehoeften (opens in a new window)Netwerk Verpleegkunde; 2023; Vol. 2023; iss. Februari; pp. 23 - 25
Adapting the Geriatric Institutional Assessment Profile for different countries and languages: A multi-language translation and content validation study (opens in a new window)International Journal Of Nursing Studies; 2022; Vol. 134
Nursing care for stroke patients: A survey of current practice in 11 European countries (opens in a new window)Journal Of Clinical Nursing; 2018; Vol. 27; iss. 3-4; pp. 684 - 693
The impact of need-based care on formal caregivers' wellbeing in nursing homes: A cluster randomized controlled trial. (opens in a new window)International Journal Of Nursing Studies; 2023; Vol. 150
Effect of need-based care on behavioural and psychological symptoms in residents with dementia and formal caregivers' distress in nursing homes: a three-arm cluster randomized controlled trial (opens in a new window)European Geriatric Medicine; 2023; Vol. 14; iss. 5; pp. 1083 - 1096
De effectiviteit van een online infomodule voor mantelzorgers van patiënten met een beroerte (opens in a new window)Verpleegkunde; 2019; pp. 4 - 13
Behoeftegebaseerde zorg bij bewoners met dementie. Organisatorische voorwaarden voor duurzame implementatie. (opens in a new window)Senior: tijdschrift voor kwaliteitsvolle ouderenzorg; 2022; Vol. 3; pp. 36 - 41
De zorg voor ouderen met een psychiatrische stoornis in woonzorgcentra. (opens in a new window)Senior: tijdschrift voor kwaliteitsvolle ouderenzorg; 2023; Vol. 4; iss. 4; pp. 37 - 43
Skin hydration in nursing home residents using disposable bed baths (opens in a new window)Geriatric Nursing; 2016; Vol. 37; iss. 3; pp. 175 - 179
Leadership in Nursing Excellence The Magnet Recognition® Journey Experiences in Europe (opens in a new window)JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration; 2020; Vol. 50; iss. 11; pp. 578 - 583
Opleidingen rond psychische kwetsbaarheid in woonzorgcentra (opens in a new window)Netwerk Verpleegkunde; 2023; Vol. 9; pp. 23 - 25
A person-centred team approach taregting agitated and aggressive behaviour amongst nursing home residents with dementia using the Senses Framework (opens in a new window)International Journal of Older People Nursing; 2019; Vol. 14; iss. 4; pp. 1 - 9
Development of a strategy to raise awareness of the physical, social, and mental needs of older adults in prison (opens in a new window)Advancing Corrections; 2021; pp. 135 - 150
Mensen met dementie lijden niet altijd (opens in a new window)De Morgen; 2019
Naar een introductie en professionalisering van penitentiaire ouderenzorg (opens in a new window)Zorg onderzocht 2019; 2020; pp. 27 - 27
Behoeftengebaseerde zorg bij ouderen in diverse settings: van zorgvisie tot praktijk (opens in a new window)Week van de verpleegkundigen, Date: 2023/09/25 - 2023/09/28, Location: Oostende
Generationele identiteit: Babyboomers in de wzc (opens in a new window)Studiedag Verpleegkundigen Ouderenzorg, Date: 2024/09/30 - 2024/10/04, Location: Kursaal Oostende
Kwaliteit van wonen en leven voor bewoners in woonzorgcentra (opens in a new window)Congres woonzorg: samen vorm geven aan de woonzorg van morgen, Location: Brussel
Need-based care in nursing homes: from evidence to integration in caregivers' clinical decsion-making (opens in a new window)Van Bogaert, Peter; van Diermen, Linda; Lips, Dirk; Verhaeghe, Sofie
Effect of an Airbreeze mattress and cushion cover on sleep quality and comfort in nursing homes (opens in a new window)STTI European Conference 2016, Date: 2016/06/06 - 2016/06/08, Location: Utrecht
The influence of leadership styles on nurses and nurse-assistants engagement in Flemish nursing homes (opens in a new window)Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society Regional Conference, Date: 2014/06/16 - 2014/06/18, Location: Gothenburg, Sweden
The influence of leadership styles on nurses and nurse-assistants' intention to leave in nursing homes (opens in a new window)Congress of the World Federation of Neuroscience Nurses, Date: 2013/09/13 - 2013/09/16, Location: Gifu, Japan
Effect of individual reminiscence for older adults with mild to moderatie dementia in nursing homes: a three-arm RCT (opens in a new window)Care 4, Date: 2017/02/08 - 2017/02/10, Location: Antwerp
The importance of patient safety (opens in a new window)Care 4, Date: 2017/02/08 - 2017/02/10, Location: Antwerp
Evidence-based guidelines for the management of patients with neurotrauma: results of a knowledge test among nurses (opens in a new window)Congress of the European Association of Neuroscience Nurses: from evidence to excellence, Date: 2015/05/13 - 2015/05/16, Location: Belgrade
Nursing care for stroke patients: A survey of current practice in Europe (opens in a new window)Quadrannial Congress of the European Association of Neuroscience Nurses, Date: 2015/05/13 - 2015/05/16, Location: Belgrade
Nursing care for stroke patients: a survey of current practice in Europe (opens in a new window)World Stroke Conference, Date: 2014/10/22 - 2014/10/25, Location: Istanbul
Nurses’ inappropriate decision-making when the health status of residents acutely deteriorates: A thinking aloud study (opens in a new window)17th EuGMS Congress GROWING OLD IN BETTER HEALTH BUILDING SYNERGIES ACROSS EUROPE, Date: 2021/10/11 - 2021/10/13, Location: Athens
Validation of the Dining Room-NL and Mealtime Practices-NL checklists towards a dementia friendly environment in Flemish nursing homes. (opens in a new window)Care4 2022 International Scientific Nursing and Midwifery Conference, Date: 2022/02/09 - 2022/02/10, Location: Ghent
Behoeften gebaseerde zorg bij oudere volwassenen in woonzorgcentra: mission (im)possible? (opens in a new window)Vlaams congres Geestelijke Gezondheidszorg, Date: 2022/09/20 - 2022/09/21, Location: Antwerpen
Perioperative hypothermia: a call for action (opens in a new window)EORNA Congress The art of perioperative care: eternally evolving, Date: 2015/05/07 - 2015/05/10, Location: Rome
Skin hydratation in nursing home residents using traditional versus disposable bed bath : an interventional study (opens in a new window)CARE4 International Scientific Nursing and Midwifery Congress, Date: 2015/02/04 - 2015/02/06, Location: Belgium, Antwerp
Animal assisted interactions for persons with dementia in residential care centers (opens in a new window)EVCBMAW European Veterinary Congress of Behavioural Medicine and Animal Welfare, Date: 2021/10/07 - 2021/10/09, Location: Gent, online
Implementation of a person-centered approach on team level in residents with dementia and symptoms of agitation or agression (opens in a new window)11the Quadrannial Congress and SBNS spring meeting, Date: 2019/03/19 - 2019/03/22, Location: Manchester United Kingdom
Skin hydration in nursing home residents: an interventional study to compare traditional versus disposable bed bath (opens in a new window)Healthcare Interdisciplinary Research Conference, Date: 2015/11/04 - 2015/11/05, Location: Dublin
De kracht van talenten: de veelzijdige meerwaarde van docenten verpleegkunde in de praktijk (opens in a new window)HGZO-congres, Date: 2016/01/17 - 2016/01/18, Location: Lunteren
Polypharmacy in elderly in nursing homes: how nurses can contribute to deprescribing medications (opens in a new window)Caring for older people: How can we do the right things right?, Date: 2016/10/04 - 2016/10/07, Location: Rotterdam
Developing an effective strategy to implement non-pharmaceutical interventions amongst residents with dementia in residential care facilities: caregivers’ perspectives (opens in a new window)2021 Alzheimer's Association International Conference, Date: 2021/07/26 - 2021/07/30, Location: Denver
Prevalence and care profiles of residents with psychiatric and neurocognitive disorders in nursing homes. (opens in a new window)24th World Congress of Psychiatry, Date: 2024/11/14 - 2024/11/17, Location: Mexico City
Dog assisted interventions for persons with dementia: how can we guarantee positive effects on both humans and dogs? (opens in a new window)8th Switzer Veterinary Days 2021, Date: 2021/05/06 - 2021/05/07, Location: Online (Basel)
Promoting Age-Friendly Healthcare: Translation and Validation of the Geriatric Institutional Assessment Profile Into Seven Languages (opens in a new window)Sigma Theta Tau Research Conference, Date: 2022/07/21 - 2022/10/24, Location: Edinburgh
Need-based care in nursing homes: From evidence to integration in caregivers' clinical decsion-making (opens in a new window)University of Antwerp; AntwerpenISBN: 978-94-6506-073-6
Roadbook implementatiehandleiding. De duurzame weg naar behoeften gebaseerde zorg. (opens in a new window)De Windt, Candice; Vanlaere, Linus; Godecharles, Simon; van Diermen, LindaOdiseeISBN: 9789464940732
Brein & zorg (opens in a new window)Lahaye, Hilde; Denier, Yvonne; De Wachter, Leentje; Veldhuis, Alet; Michiels, Monique; Stifkens, Kathleen; Van Geert, DavidAcco; MeerdonLeuvenISBN: 9789462927568
Effect of an active self-warming blanket in pre- and postoperative period in patients undergoing lumbar surgery (opens in a new window)8th EORNA conference: Abstract Book ; 2017; pp. 62 - 63The 8th EORNA conference: the Colossus of perioperative nursing, Date: 2017/05/04 - 2017/05/07, Location: Rodhos, Greece
De aanpak van intracraniële hypertensie (opens in a new window)Jaarboek voor de intensieve zorg en verpleegkundige ; 2015; pp. 59 - 64Blot, Stijn; Labeau, SoniaAcco; LeuvenISBN: 978-94-6292-302-7
Nadenken, beslissen en handelen (opens in a new window)Stageboek Verpleegkunde ; 2017; pp. 54 - 71Acco; LeuvenISBN: 978-94-6344-247-3
Een kritische blik door een wetenschappelijke bril (opens in a new window)Stageboek Verpleegkunde ; 2017; pp. 185 - 197Acco; LeuvenISBN: 978-94-6344-247-3