
Inclusion is one of Odisee’s four principles of action: sustainabilty, agility, inclusion and cocreation

On this portal page you will find all the information about inclusion for the different members of our community, as well as Odisee's view on inclusion.


How do we ensure inclusion for students?

We provide all our students with broad-based basic care and a living and learning environment in which they are welcomed and valued. One way we do this is through inclusive facilities and by working toward our institution-wide framework for curriculum development, which calls for us to weave inclusion into our curricula. Furthermore, there is a range of support for students who need it.


Verpleegkunde na Vroedkunde

Inclusive facilities

For all our students, we provide inclusive facilities to maximize their chances of study success. Thus, fewer students need specific measures. 

Odibuddy infosessie


Odibuddies are students who try to guide and support (new) students as best they can during their college career at Odisee.

Docenten Bedrijfskunde volgen opleiding.

Training for faculty and staff

We provide our teachers and staff with a wide range of support materials and training to become stronger in achieving an inclusive living and learning environment.

For example: identifying needs and characteristics of students, teaching with high expectations for all students, language-developing teaching, diversity-responsive teaching (a.o. attention to cultural diversity, gender and sexual diversity, neurodiversity), anti-racism and depolarization in the classroom, designing flexible learning paths, and ensuring inclusive service delivery.

How do we ensure inclusion for prospective students?

Through various initiatives, we aim to make the transition into higher education easier for students.


Groepsfoto studenten rolmodellenwerking

Role models

Secondary schools can invite our role models to talk to students. They address questions such as: what barriers did you encounter during your studies and how did you overcome them? How did the transition to higher education feel? What is it like to study with a disability? 

93 Academy logo

93 Academy

The 93 Academy aims to give more young people in Aalst the opportunity for higher education, especially those who, due to circumstances, have a harder time finding their way into and within higher education. 


Student aan laptop en docent

Entry-level courses

Several programs organize entry-level courses that give students the opportunity to refresh their knowledge of mathematics, chemistry, ICT, French, physics, ... freshen up before the academic year starts.


Inclusion for staff members

We are concerned that every staff member feels welcome and valued at Odisee. Differences between people in terms of origin, age, gender, culture, religion, orientation, physical challenge, ... we consider as an enrichment. We are always looking for colleagues with experiences and competencies that support this.

Gent iedereen welkom

Welcoming policy

We welcome new employees with a welcoming program.

odisee volwassen student buiten

Customized work

Deborah Vantournhout, HR wellness associate, offers support to colleagues facing barriers both in and beyond the workplace. Employees and teams can also contact her for a customized path to well-being in the workplace. 

volwassen studenten in aula

Training and support for colleagues

The human resources department provides training and support on well-being (burnout and stress, deconnection, resilience, etc.).

Inclusive measures for everyone in the Odisee community

Research on inclusion

At Odisee, we have a wide range of research and services related to inclusion. We offer a lot of expertise that partners can rely on, and we ourselves can use it to further develop our policies and actions related to inclusion.

persoon aan bureau met laptop op schoot

Telework inclusive organizing

Mediawijs released a tool, based on research from the Centre  for Family Studies that allows organizations to prepare their teams for telecommuting where inclusion and well-being are central.

Fiches lerarenbox wetenschapsbalans

Science Balance

The colleagues from Exploratio developed a grounded methodology to address ethical and social sensitive topics in a (diverse) science classroom.

tekening lezende kinderen op tapijt

The reading scan

In the project The Reading Scan 2.0, colleagues from The Language Builders and UCE and their partners a reading scan, a digital tool they use to support elementary school teachers to strengthen their reading instruction.

And also:

The other research projects can be found by entering search terms in the project database such as "inclusion," "diversity," "racism," ...




Additions and comments to the web pages on inclusion are always welcome

Suggestions, corrections?