Go Abroad Fair

Op zaterdag 12 oktober vindt de Go Abroad Fair plaats op de campus in Brussel. Deze voorbereidingsdag is verplicht voor alle studenten die volgend semester langer dan 2 maanden naar het buitenland wensen te gaan (onder mobiliteitsopties 1, 2 en 3). 

Ontdek het programma snel hieronder. 

Vragen over dit event? Stuur ons een mail naar outgoing.exchange@odisee.be


On Saturday 12 October, the Go Abroad Fair will take place at the campus in Brussels. This day is compulsory for all students who plan to go abroad for more than 2 months in the upcoming semester (under mobility options 1, 2 and 3). 

Discover the programme below.

Questions about the event? Please email us at outgoing.exchange@odisee.be


Timetable Go Abroad Fair - 09.00 - 13.00

Welcome @ Campus Brussels

09.00 - 09.20

Administratief naar het buitenland - Get your administration sorted

09.30 - 10.30

Go Abroad Fair @

10.30 - 11.30


11.30 - 13.00

Kick-off BE-VOS

14.00 - 17.00 ! only for students whose exchange will take place outside of Europe !

Administratief naar het buitenland

Deze sessie is verplicht te volgen.

Tijdens deze sessie kom je alles te weten over de administratie die je in orde brengt voor, tijdens en na je vertrek naar het buitenland.

Welke contracten dien ik te tekenen? Wanneer weet ik meer over mijn beurs? En wanneer ontvang ik die dan? En wat met mijn verzekeringen in het buitenland?

Wil je graag een antwoord op bovenstaande vragen en meer? Spaar al je vragen op want aansluitend is er een Q&A!

Get your administration sorted

This is a compulsory session.

This session focuses on all documents you will need to tackle before, during and after your stay abroad. 

What contracts should I sign? When will I know more about my grant? And when will I receive it? And what about my insurance abroad?

Would you like answers to the above questions and more? Save all your questions because there will be a Q&A afterwards!


The SDGs of the 2030 Agenda: hope or mess?

Keynote by Stijn Dhert

Room: TBD

Language: English

In September 2015, the United Nations launched the 2030 Agenda. All 193 UN member states endorsed this global Agenda of 17 global goals (called the Sustainable Development Goals, or SDGs) for the period 2015-2030. The SDGs provide an ambitious framework to end poverty, inequality, injustice and climate change.
During this workshop, we will take a closer look at the 17 SDGs. How did they come about? Where are they leading the world? How do they relate to each other? What is the state of play now in 2024: are we on track to achieve the goals by 2030? How are Belgium and Flanders doing? What can we do to do our own part? What lessons can we draw for the future?

Stijn Dhert is a teacher trainer and researcher at KU Leuven and Hogeschool UCLL. He supports educational organisations in change processes, with a focus on the SDGs. Stijn is an advisory member of the Flemish Unesco Commission for the Education Domain and he is national coordinator of the Flemish Unesco Schools Network (ASPnet).

To act, or not to act: Embarking on your journey with a critical stance 

Workshop by Aaron Soens

Room: TBD

Language: English

The European initiative ‘Erasmus+’ is one of the best-known policies of the European Union. As a society we value the opportunity our students get to discover the world. In this session I would like to challenge you to evaluate this learning ‘opportunity’. 

Why is our society and are our students so thrilled for an adventure abroad? Why is there such a long application procedure, with limited spots? Why do we fund this kind of initiatives? Which intentions does the programme have? And when can we consider this initiative as ‘successful’?  

Drawing on insights from Hannah Arendt, Emmanuel Levinas and Byung-Chul Han on the core activities of human interaction, I will challenge common misunderstandings about the Erasmus-programme. One would be the idea that students should go abroad to change or ‘fix’ problems. Another one is of course the idea that an exchange programme is all about free holidays. 

I will argue that the core idea of an exchange is the encounter with new people, thoughts and customs which will – given their differences - give you insight in your own ideas and acts.  

Once you have gotten these whole new and maybe touching experiences, you will have to ask yourself the following questions: will I take these lessons learned into account, or just leave them for the time being? Which actions and perspectives from my own world could or should I introduce into the encounter? How will these experiences influence my decisions and acting as a professional later? 

By the end of the session, you will be prepared to go abroad with a critical stance as we will explore these questions together. You will also get a hands-on reflection model (DEAL) in your suitcase.  


Aaron Soens is a philosopher. He is head of innovation and quality assurance at Odisee, and teaches ethics to students in occupational therapy.  


Guided tour: Matonge, a neighbourhood of stories

Guided tour in collaboration with BAMKO, feminist and decolonial walks

Meeting point in front of the Erasmus building.

Guided tour is in English and lasts 1h30.

Spots are limited to 20 people

This walk explores the streets and alleys of the 'Quartier Africain de Bruxelles' and the Chaussée d'Ixelles in particular. As a former colonial district, Matongé is home to a number of buildings that served administrations and other activities linked to the management of the colony. 


Bamko asbl offers decolonial guided tours crafted by feminist, ecological, and anti-racist activists with keen critical insight. Over 1.5 hours, you will gain a deep appreciation for analyses of colonial history and its ongoing impact.

About the Fair

Tijdens de fair krijg je de kans om studenten te ontmoeten die naar jouw bestemming gaan. Je kan er bovendien ook in gesprek gaan met oud-studenten die recent van hun uitwisseling zijn teruggekomen. Het uitgelezen moment om tips en tricks te vergaren en de do's en dont's van je bestemming te ontdekken.

Ben je op zoek naar inspiratie over je bestemming of wil je je toekomstige buitenlandplannen vormgeven? Dan kan je op de fair terecht bij de organisaties Go Strange, Wegwijzer en Vlamingen in de Wereld. Ook bij studentenorganisaties AIESEC en ESN kan je passeren voor een babbel. 


During the fair, you will have the chance to meet students going to your destination. Moreover, you will be able to talk to former students who recently returned from their exchange.  The perfect time to gather tips & tricks and discover the do's and don'ts of your destination.

If you are looking for inspiration about your destination or if you want to shape your future abroad plans, we will have you covered with the organisations Go Strange and Wegwijzer. But you can also pass by student-driven organisations AIESEC and ESN for a chat. 



Read here how to reach our Campus in Brussels.